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Devin Avatar

Official Member


August 2007
you are expected to know the basics of arrays for this tutorial
loops run the same block of code multiple times. they are useful for doing one thing a set number of times, and possibly in your case, searching through multiple array elements (a majority of proboards® scripts).

the .length property returns the number of levels in an array.


var my_array = new array();
my_array[0] = "red";
my_array[1] = "green";
my_array[2] = "blue";

var my_array_length = my_array.length; // 3

the for() loop runs the same block of code a certain number of times.

standard for() loop
for(var=start_value; var<end_value; var++){ // < can be any operator
// block of code
} // end the loop

[font=courier newfor(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
document.write("hi. "); // outputs "hi. hi. hi"

the above example script just repeats document.write("hi. "); 3 times.

let's take a quick look at the syntax.

for(var=start_value; var<end_value; var++){ // < can be any operator
pick a name for the variable. 'i', 'a', and other short names are most common
as long as "var" is less (can be any operator, less than (<) is used in this example) than "end_value", then keep running the block of code
add 1 to "var" every time the loop runs, this makes "var" eventually equal "end_value"

the while() loop runs the same block of code while a clause is true

while() loop
while(var < value){ // < can be any operator
// block of code
} // end the loop

var i = 0; // using i as our counter
while(i <= 5){
document.write("a "); // would output "a a a a a"

this should be pretty self-explanitory. we use the variable "i" as a counter, and we add to "i" ("i++") in every block of code to ensure that it eventually reaches the value we set (5).

do while() loop
The do while() loop runs the same block of code while a clause is true. Even if the clause is not true, the block of code will be ran one time.

do while() loop
var = 0;
do {
// block of code
while(var < end_value); // < can be any operator!

example (outputs "zoom. zoom. zoom."):
i = 0;
do {
document.write("zoom. ");
while(i > 3);

example 2: (outputs "zoom." because 2+2 is never equal to 5)
do {
document.write("zoom. ");
while((2 + 2) == 5);

as you can see, it is generally the same idea as the while() loop, except it always has to run at least one time.

the break method ends the loop


while(100 == 100){
document.write("hello world!");
break; // ends the loop

after looking at the example, you may be wondering, "how is this useful?". if we didn't break the loop, since 100 is always equal to 100, the block of code would continue executing endlessly, causing the browser to freeze and probably crash. since we broke the loop, it only ran once.

the continue method breaks the loop and then continues it at the next value


var some_array = new Array("You are ", "not ", "ugly");
for(i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++){
if(i == 1){

That example would output "You are ugly". The 2nd level of the array is skipped (see the if statement, if "i" equals 1, since JavaScript starts counting at 0, that is the second level), so instead of outputting "You are not ugly", the "not" is skipped.

putting it together
now that we have the concept down, let's take a look at it put together.

var some_array = new array("coke", "pepsi", "root beer");
for(i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++){
document.write("hi. ");
if(some_array[i] == "pepsi"){ // if this array elements value equals "pepsi"
break; // break it now

that would ultimately output "hi. hi.". since "i" is equal to the integer that defines the current number of the loop, we can use "i" in place of a number for the array element. so if the loop was on its second run, "i" would be equal to 2 (1 in javascript, js starts counting at 0), so some_array[i] would be the same as some_array[1] in this case. notice the if() statement and the break, this breaks the loop if the current array element's value is equal to "pepsi".

applying it to proboards
let's take a look at a brief script that hides the last post column using a loop

var td = document.getelementsbytagname("td"); // put all of the td elements into an array
for(i = 0; i < td.length; i++){ // start the loop
if(td[i].width == "24%" && td[i].classname.match(/^(titlebg|windowbg2)$/i)){ // specify the array element that matches the properties of the last post cells
td[i].style.display = "none"; // hide the current array element (the tds that match the condition above)

extra! reverse for() loop
a reverse loop is just how it sounds, a loop ran backwards. how is this useful? you could use it to reverse the elements in an array, in this case, the example i provide pulls the info center in a much more efficient way.

for(var=some_array.length-1; some_array>=0; some_array--)

this says: variable "var" is equal to the length of array "some_array" - 1. the " - 1" is added because .length counts the number of elements starting at 1, and arrays count starting from 0, and 1 - 1 = 0.
this says: as long say array "some_array" is greater than or equal to 0, keep running the for loop. 0 is the lowest level of an array, so i stopped the loop there.
this performs the equation ( variable "i" - 1 ) every time the block of code repeats itself

var table = document.getelementsbytagname("table"); // pull all of the table elements into an array
for(i = table.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ // start the loop
if(table[i].rows[0].cells[0].innerhtml.match(/info center/i) && table[i].rows[0].cells[0].colspan == "2" && table[i].rows[0].cells[0].classname == "titlebg"){ // pull the element that matches these properties (the info center)
table[i].style.display = "none"; // hide the info center
break; // break the loop

why is a reverse loop useful? let's take this info center script into account for a second. we could use a regular loop and go through dozens of other array elements (forcing the browser to check each element on the way to the info center, slowing the code down, even if infinitesimally), or we could start checking from the bottom up (the info center is at the bottom of the page, make sense?) and save the browser some trouble.
be sure to break it or else all of the other array elements will still be searched as well!

thanks for reading, i hope this helped you with loops. if you need any help, feel free to pm me or reply to this thread. all comments are appreciated!

note: there may be some errors/typos after copying this thread over, if you find any, please let me know and i will fix them.
note 2: all of the capitalization was removed by notepad++ =[ sorrys

Last Edit: Mar 15, 2009 21:37:16 GMT by Devin
AFK Aug 2011 - ???

I'll be actively developing codes, tutorials, and templates when I return, later this year.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Cool =) Maybe include do...while in the next one (or maybe I just didn't see it)? Even though I know most people feign ever use it :P


Devin Avatar

Official Member


August 2007
Aaron Avatar
Cool =) Maybe include do...while in the next one (or maybe I just didn't see it)? Even though I know most people feign ever use it :P

I didn't include that or continue. They both crossed my mind, but they are seldom used and hardly worth a mention. I suppose I could add a link to each of them however.

Last Edit: Mar 15, 2009 16:19:20 GMT by Devin
AFK Aug 2011 - ???

I'll be actively developing codes, tutorials, and templates when I return, later this year.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Oh, no need to worry about it on my account if it seems i'm the only one that uses 'em. xp


Michael Avatar
*Has a custom title*


October 2007
I had some guy creating a fuss recently in one of my programming classes saying that we shouldn't be taught break or continue, saying that they shouldn't be used.

Granted it was a c programming class! :-/ Meh. Idiot.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Heh, I sure as hell couldn't live without them. Only seems logical that you'd want a fixed and a more dynamic way to stop recursion, and moreover, at least a little control on just how far it'll go through each iteration.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I'd mention continue... I tend to use it fairly often. :P I mean, it may just be me, but I still do and I think it's worth teaching. (Plus, it's like 100 words to teach it...)

Looks good btw Devin.


Devin Avatar

Official Member


August 2007
I added brief do.. while() and continue sections to it, and fixed the spacing.

Unfortunately somehow Notepad++ ruined all of the capitalization :(
AFK Aug 2011 - ???

I'll be actively developing codes, tutorials, and templates when I return, later this year.
