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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Perhaps they could bring some justice back to Nokia.
I remember when Nokia was the top of phones, but now it doesn't seem to be. Some of their phones are, but then nowadays there are so many phones just as good on different brands.

They used to be years ahead.

I still love and rpefer Nokia though. So much so, that I actually have a really old Nokia - that I use lol.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Well, I let it slide and didn't do or say anything.
Friday was my last day, and sadly, the organisation that first put me into volunteer, just wont get in contact with me so they can confirm if I can continue or not.
I have an appointment with them Thursday, so hopefully then they will arrange for me to start Monday.

The worst part is, the place I was at I was only there for 4weeks originally. They allow you to extend if THEY (the company you are working at) like you and you can do the work etc. and I could, and they did like me, so they let me extend. They have also said they are more than happy to extend me again so that when 3 people leave in June, I can get a job (only part time - but still)... I am so pissed off.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
We, as in everyone who works there (volunteer or employed) have to buy our own drinks that are coke, for example.
We, of course, get cups of coffee, tea or water free.
The fact that he seems to think it's a perk, is stupid. It's not a perk at all. It is theft unfortunately.

Another thing to take into consideration is that, if I do tell someone, and I am pretty sure I am the only one he has told/done this in front of, he will then obviously know I have told.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Yesterday at work (I'm still a volunteer, for now - hopefully next month I wont be :D) another volunteer said to me "did I just see you buying drinks?". I replied with a simple "yeah, I do everyday".
He went on to say that there is no point because the perk of a job such as this, that sells drinks, is you get them free. Meaning, you steal one.

Now, he is definitely someone that looks like he would steal, but he also is one of these that bullshit's quite a lot, or seems to at least. So all I did was brush it off with a little laugh.

Today though, I went into the warehouse with a drink that I just bought and he then took one from out of the box, opened and drank it.

I was actually amazed that he had done it and I didn't know wtf to do, so yet again, I brushed it off. This time not with a laugh or anything, I just carried on drinking and sort of pretending like I hadn't seen it, even though he and I both knew I had.

I'm not a grass, but I don't wanna be in any part of this. Luckily, he can't say I steal because the checkout people always joke about me buying my drinks, for example one always says "That time of the day again eh?".

Now what makes this somewhat worse is the fact that he is going to be extended like I was, because they want to keep me and him on when people leave for University next month. So, do I grass him in and risk being called a grass and such and possibly risk my chances of getting a job there?
I say risk my chances because there are little things each person does to cut corners slightly or if they cbf to do something etc. So they may think I would grass them in for stuff like that, which I wouldn't.

I think he will make a habit of this now that he has done it once and I have done nothing about it and simply accepted him doing it.

What would you do?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Ok so.. in my flat we have 3 BT (phone provider) socket things to plug in our internet/telephone.
We have the main one in the front room which you can't connect anything to (you'll see why if you read on), and then 3 actual one's that you can plug to.

One of them is connected to the main one, then another connected to that, and finally the third, is connected to that middle of the 3.

The main is in the living room, then the other one connected to that one via a wire is in the same room except near the door. Through the doorway is our hall, which has, in the center on the wall, obviously, another one. Finally if you walk a tiny bit further you have the kitchen, which has the 3rd and final. All are connected via thin wires. Basically they are extensions. I think maybe because the person who had this flat before, who had it installed (or did it themself) liked to speak on the phone or be on the net in any room more or less.

Now my problem is, we don't have our house phone connected unless we really need to use it, so that we don't run up a bill. Which we would do, so this way is best, for us anyway.
In any room/extension if you plug the phone (using a whats-it-called (that allows you to have both phone+net connected?) of course) it cuts the internet off. After several minutes it will be fine, but as soon as you take the phone out again, it d/c again.

Any ideas on what to do so that it doesn't d/c the net? Something that wont cost money, or too much at least..

If need be I can try take a few pics on a crappy mobile phone to show you it all better... ?

Last Edit: May 4, 2011 3:22:21 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'd rather listen to music that I like, yes. Music my brother likes, heck no. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
The quality here is basically no difference between radio and tv.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
What is the point of listening to the radio through/on your television?
I don't get it at all.

I can understand watching a music channel, where it displays videos for each individual song, but to just have a solid colour for a background, with the radio channel number, is just stupid to me.

It's even more stupid when you have a decent and working stereo below said TV, that is all plugged in ready.. Why not simply turn that on and listen?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Deko Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
Are they brand new sim cards?

I think he has Verizon.

You are probably just getting recycled numbers. Same thing happened with my current number when I first got it.

Is Verizon a contract phone? Where you pay monthly rather than "pay as you go"..
I think all of our networks provide both a pay as you go and contract service.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Are they brand new sim cards?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I will not watch this at all.
The adverts for it make it look ridiculous.
I saw the other 2 Arthur's, the originals (I'm sure there's two, right..? Or am I just imagining it?) and really thought they were fantastic and funny. This one just looks like a stupid, cheesy "joke".


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Neversoft Avatar
I tried to get my wowposter fan forum featured, and as usual, it was not picked :(

Reason being, we they all hate you. =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
You know, the sad thing about this is that usually (ok about 60% of the time) the featured forum is a crappy one, but SZ is great with a some-what alright community. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I went for the "Sennheiser Eco Ear Canal Headphones - Black" which set me back £17.99.
I used super save delivery, so they are gonna take 3-5 business days getting here. Fun fun. At least when they come, I will be here and not at work.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I started doing volunteer and I was meant to be on it for 4 weeks (mon-fri) which I have been doing perfectly fine. My time is up on Friday so I don't need to volunteer any more. However, I have asked them if I could stay on and do more volunteering. Which they said yes to.
At first they were fine with it but wasn't sure if I could due to insurance cover and so on, so they had to check for me - which they did and got back to me today.

They also explained that although they can, I would have to sign some forms to say I am aware of Health and Safety and that I am not getting paid. Which I am more than willing to do.

However, here's the bitch of it all. The Jobcentre - I am claiming unemployment (JSA - Job Seekers Allowance) - have said that I can not continue unless I no longer wish to receive my money for benefits.
The only way I can do voluntary work AND continue with my JSA is to do it in a charity shop or something similar...

- They have been constantly moaning at me for not having a job and suggesting that I find volunteer work.
- I finally find somewhere that is great and I am more than willing to work hard at (doing practically anything that is asked/told).
- So many people on the same (or different) benefits who just take the piss. In the sense, they don't look for work. They don't TRY to volunteer or look for work. Yet they get nothing happening.

Though weirdly, I googled the question "can I volunteer while on JSA". It gave me THIS link, which is the website, which is official and always up to date etc.

I don't need travel expenses. I don't need ANY money at all.

At the very start of that link it says that you are able to volunteer for as long as you want. Also, let me show you this bit from the link provided:

How voluntary work is defined

In terms of benefits and tax credits, you will be considered as being a volunteer if you:
- do not receive any money for the work you do (this does not include expenses)
- are not legally obliged to volunteer
- do something for a not-for-profit organisation
- do something for someone who is not a family member

The two I have made bold are what I would say "suit me" and make it so I can do voluntary and still get my JSA.
I am definitely not legally obliged to do volunteer work, and where I am doing it currently is not a family friend.

I am so pissed off and confused.
The fact I had NO experience what so ever before doing this, you'd think they'd think "fantastic, he loves the job and is doing great at it, and they want to keep him on". Also, people are leaving in June so I could hopefully be offered a job then when that happens. Which I shall explain to them too.