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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
You just about strangled me with your requirements there. First off, you'll be hardpressed to get "good, crisp quality" from a <$20 pair of earbuds. Second, you'd be hardpressed to get "good, crisp quality" from any pair of earbuds in that style. The fact is that they do not go far enough into the ear/block enough to prevent enough outside noise from distorting your music.

This is my current pair. I caught them on clearance at Best Buy for $20, original MSRP was $50. I also have a similar pair of Sennheiser's that cost me $70. Sound amazing, but they completely soundproof me and all I hear is strange echos from the outside, which really screws with you. So I stick to my Sony's and AudioTechnica headphones (if you do happen to end up in that market, I would suggest these a thousand times over. Oddly enough, AT liked my Amazon review so much that it was on their website for 18+ months)

That said... my only real suggestion is to scrounge up a little more money (the difference $10 can make in earbuds is substantial) and get a better pair. You may have to relent on your style choice as well, because I have never had a pair that style that gave good sound. (I beat the hell out of my earbuds because I sleep with them in and go through about four pairs a year, so I have tried just about everything just because... why not, right?)

The first pair you linked me to are $29.99 so I searched for them on .com and the same pair came up as £29.99... I don't get it. Shouldn't they be cheaper in GBP? (The Results (2))

Second pair you linked to are ones I definitely wouldn't want. I really don't like ones that go over/on your head like that. Yeah I'm picky :P

Right so as I see it, my choices are:


Other? I don't mind paying £20-£30, but they do need to be worth the money.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
The sports ones you posted XuzI are a big no no :P
However, these seem very similar if not the same - practically - to the second link.

- Not ignoring you, I just quickly read XuzI's post first because yours is too long for me currently (I am shattered). Will definitely read and reply after I have slept <3


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Ok so.. I have no speakers or headphones to listen to my music. Which is what I used my old headphones for. Also used to use them for movies or tv shows, but mainly music. on my PC.

Now, I am looking to buy some new ones but have no idea what to look for in headphones. The only thing I do know is that I have a somewhat "specific" look I want. For example, I want ones this shape/style but I don't want any in this shape/style. Nor do I want ones that go on your head or round your ear..

I don't want to spend too much on any either. I would say £15 tops.
My other pair cost about £7 and were fine enough until I broke one ear piece haha.

Any help on what to look for for the specs? For example, what makes something have good, crisp quality or anything else..


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Where it JUST says "one, two, three, four" at the bottom below the images.
Your surname is odd... No offense or anything, just seems unusual =)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
Quinine Avatar
For once, I agree with Xuzi. Every time I type/scroll/click/move my mouse, Firefox locks up for about 1 second. Back to Chrome for me.

Again, shut off Hardware Acceleration. It's a bug they never fixed caused by graphics cards that can't handle the acceleration. Once you turn off hardware acceleration (Advanced Tab in the Settings), it shouldn't stutter at all.

How does one know if their card handles it?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Not bad. What I find weird is that at the bottom "one, two, three, four", 1-3 are really nice images, but 4 is quite.. well, crap :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

To the point: I have 4 Chinese fonts (all are True Type Fonts).
I have tried making (using) them work in C4D R11.5, Corel PSP X3, Word, Works... and well, they show in the new window or dropdown (you know, as thumbnails (ABC, abc)) but when I select to use one of them, it just uses another font.. I mean, the one already in use..

Any clue what do to do get them working?

And yeah in my Fonts folder, the icon is "TT" for True Type..
I don't get why the preview/thumbnail works fine in all these programs (other than PSP) but it doesn't work when I apply.. :(

Last Edit: Apr 5, 2011 1:44:48 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Ok guys.. How about..

How about I approach it a bit differently...

Be in a Hospital Ward, and either be looking from the center having say, 2 or 3 beds on each side, or perhaps instead of that, be looking from one side with 2 or 3 beds on that one side I am looking at..
Now, because you can get all types of mills (shape wise I mean), I have a different shaped one in each bed. Each one would have a part missing from it making it ill. Meaning it's actually a "Mill Ward", a ward for ill mills...

If I am looking at it from the center, have a slightly large window at the very back looking out at a meadow...
However, if I am just looking at one side, I was thinking have a picture of a meadow behind the beds on the wall..

Is this idea good, bad, better than the others, worse or...?
Suggestions for it would be cool too.)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
oh oh or idea 2. Someone said the below on my dA:

How about something moving for"ward"
As we age, we move forward in time

My response:

Actually, I like this idea..
And since it's a mill (so it has blades/fans) that can be what's pushing it. Only problem is that I want the blades/fans on the front so we can see them, but obviously if they are like that, having it coming/pushing forward towards the "screen" would be difficult to express.

Any idea how to go about "fixing" this? I honestly can't think.

I actually like both ideas. I really do. I actually like the idea/concept for the second better.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
How about this:

Have the windmill on the meadow, then below the "blades?" have a big opening (kind of like massive doors - possibly a big window) and have a few beds (2 each side?) and for the two beds visible have one be a bed that has a bit for a broken foot/leg, then the other have a drip or something.. the two in the background would be normal. Then, because I suck at human 3D models, just use a figure that is the base, and whack blankets over them...

Or no? Or perhaps help adapt this idea slightly, but nothing TOO extreme cos I am no pro at models.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I don't see how that would be anything such as "ward" though.. But I do like that idea.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
So.. I am in need of help again.
This time for something completely different to everything else.

My brother's birthday is in August and I wanna design him a card (Moonpig ftw =)).
I've had an idea (sort of) using his first and last name. His first name means "Meadow", and his/our surname is "Millward", which obviously is "Mill" and "ward".

Now, I want to put a Mill (a windmill I guess?) on/in (not sure if you say in or on) a meadow and also have something for "Ward", but what can I put for that to suit the picture?

The only thing I can think of is a ward in the sense, hospital ward, so have a bed with a drip or something lol.. but that's kind of odd with the other two pictures/designs..

Any and all ideas much appreciated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I was never a fan of FPS until I got MW2. So since then I have had that, Black Ops, and WaW. Halo 3, ODST and Reach. Oh I also have that Battlefield Bad Company 2... So I have only owned/played 7 FPS games. BAsically, no order, remove Black Ops and Bad Company 2.. and voila.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Montage's are usually about 5mins long or so.
Also, there aren't that many pummels or beat downs.. :(
Watch it all and you'll see that. =)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Lucifer Avatar
Just got back from class, and boy that big glass of water sure did hit the spot.

Throwing glasses of water on/over little old ladies again are we? :P