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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Please watch. This is my first montage and I only used Windows Movie Maker to do it, so...
Ideas, tips etc are appreciated because then I can learn from things I have done wrong/right in this one and not repeat in my future montages/clips.

YouTube Video

Chris, you suck. Why change the YT video to a hyperlink? -.-

Last Edit: Mar 29, 2011 8:33:29 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Either way, of course you put milk in tea, fool.
Without it, you have "black tea". That's not peppermint tea fyi. I never have had that with or without milk. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
xmsteel Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar

I don't know anyone that drinks peppermint tea.. (I am English fyi)

I wasn't talking about what kind of tea, I was talking about putting milk in it.

Either way, my response would be fine.
You said that Norwegians and the English put milk in peppermint tea and I was saying I know no one that does that.
However, even if it was a case of 'kinds' of tea, I still know of nobody who drinks peppermint tea.

Therefore... :P


Stinky666 Avatar

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December 2009
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xmsteel Avatar

I don't think I've ever owned shoes (no matter what type) that make it comfortable to stand on cement all day.

My $185 Red Wings shoes do. :P

Who the hell has that much money to spend on shoes... ?
I think someone needs a pay cut. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
xmsteel Avatar
Quinine Avatar
Who the fuck puts milk in peppermint tea? Jeezus.

Norwegian and English.

I don't know anyone that drinks peppermint tea.. (I am English fyi)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Scrap this. I did it with that song anyway haha.
If you want though, post some ideas still, for when I next do one. I like this kind of concept.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Alright I haven't put this in Entertainment because it isn't discussing a specific band/artist or song.

Basically, I am doing a Montage and had the idea of using the song "99 Problems" and then having it show 99 Kills by me (Halo btw).
If I was to get a triple kill in one clip, that'd count for 3 kills towards the 99 kills.

I just listened to the song and realised it doesn't sound too great lol.
The concept/idea imo is good but I just need something else, another song that hopefully is like this.

Nothing screamo or too hardcore because I want people to watch the video.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I had never seen it before either. It's pretty cool.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
What kind of weirdo drinks peppermint tea? :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
xmsteel Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
I'm the exact same, I dislike drinking water, so avoid it at all costs.
But, I drink cups of tea which keep you hydrated.

Peppermint tea with a little bit of sugar and milk? ooooohhh yeaaaah

"Normal" tea. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm the exact same, I dislike drinking water, so avoid it at all costs.
But, I drink cups of tea which keep you hydrated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
Stay on your feet. Trust me... it hurt like hell. I did 8 hours straight when I started. My boss was out of town when I started last year, so they had me learning the ropes in one of the labs. So not only was I on my feet for 8 hours for the first three days, I also was working with a 6 foot long torque wrench all day (I was the biggest in the lab, so I could apply the most force to the wrench). With the feet thing... you grow used to it after two or three weeks. I won't deny that it sucks being on cement that long, but it gets way easier.

Best advice? Get a damn good pair of shoes. I was wearing cheap things when I started. $50 steel toe dress shoes made by Dickies. They fell apart, they cut into my feet, they hurt like hell. Now? I recently bought my third pair of work boots in 12 months. This pair cost $185. The soles are some synthetic rubber that was developed specifically for working on cement and I barely feel anything now.

I have cheap shoes currently. And I mean really cheap.
The only problem is that for now because I am only voluntary, I am on benefits (£100 per 2 weeks - so £50 per week) and can't afford any new ones, even cheap new ones. We have a charity event Thursday and Friday where I HAVE to go in either yellow or fancy dress. I have no money for anything. Luckily though, I have been put in work placement by a company/organisation that helps you find work, do your CV, and help with lots of other stuff. They do supply money for certain things, not too sure what. They usually do for equipment needed and clothing/uniform and also travel expenses.
So I am hoping today, I will go in there and ask them and get it sorted, also mentioning about some new shoes.

I think though, another problem is because I need to cut my toe nails lol.
But I also think the shoes I currently have are slightly too small. My toes seem to touch the very ends, but then that may just be because my nails need cutting. Gonna do them today so we'll see haha.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
When you actually start doing work... work your ass off. Assuming this is the warehouse job you were referring to previously, there will be more than enough opportunity to do that. Offer to help anyone who looks like they may need it, too. The most mundane things can be made 10 times easier if someone helps. I know my warehouse experience is a little different since I deal with parts as heavy as 200 lb each, but having someone help lift something is infinitely easier than using a crane or forklift to move it. Same thing goes for shrinkwrapping. If you see someone wrapping a palette in plastic, offer to help. A typical wrapping job can go from 3 or 4 minutes to 30 seconds with someone helping out.

All in all, if you want to keep the job after 4 weeks... you just have to work your ass off. Don't sit around or look clueless. Don't ask for work, find work. It is there. There is always work to do, even if it isn't necessarily within your job responsibilities.

I actually did shrink wrapping yesterday on my induction.
We had to do it to clothes that needed sending back and were just on rails. It took longer than a few minutes per rail (4 rails total) with 2 of us doing it. This is because we have to make sure every single part of clothing is covered and we had lots of long items so when they are all together, add up quite a lot in weight, meaning we then have to shrink wrap quite a lot.

I'm not doing warehouse work as such. I'm more or less doing what other's are doing, which is ok, I don't mind it.
The warehouse isn't too big anyway, pretty small in all honesty.

I should say, the shop/store I am working at is all kinds of items, ranging from hardware to garden, and clothing/fashion to cleansing products (all things involved with that).
I'm dealing with customers, tidying products and re-stocking anything we have left to be able to re-stock.

Also today though I did do a lot of heavy lifting with deliveries and then sorting them into their sections ready for the morning team to unpack and start packing.

The only problem I really have at the moment, is the fact that I am on my feet literally all the time I am there (I'm 1pm - 6pm and don't get a lunch break, and if I want normal breaks I have to go in early - so if I want say 3 breaks, and lets say 5 minutes per time, I have to go in 15minutes earlier than my 1pm start) so my feet hurt like hell and I have already got a couple of blisters per foot lol. I haven't had blisters for sooooooo many years.

Luckily, there are 2 people there that I grew up with, not associate with and stuff but it makes it easier for me to be able to go ask for help with something and such, because in real life, I am far from the kind of person who will well.. go ask for help. Especially if I have been shown to do something, I just automatically assume to myself "I shouldn't be asking for help, i've been shown wtf to do, so i'm gonna look like a right dumb idiot".

Overall though, everyone is actually great (nice and friendly, easy to talk to (be it asking questions or just chatting)).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Better question, are you running Avast or some other anti-virus fulltime? Usually they react to that stuff.

I have Avast Pro, and it's on 24/7 (or when my PC is on anyway).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I actually was. I also said "yes" a lot and "ok". It was my induction day so I was just being shown everything and where it all was, and explained lots of stuff, hence the "yes" and "oks". I kept switching it up between "yes" and "yep" and "yeah" and "alright" and "ok" lol.