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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Eric Avatar
Just work hard at whatever it is, don't bitch, but don't shy away from making comments that could improve the workflow. Make sure that you aren't pissing on the person immediately above you.

I wont piss on anyone (literally or otherwise).
At least for the first day or 2 I will be pretty shy and not too talkative etc. I just need to get comfortable in an environment first. But I'm sure I aint the only one like that.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Since I have posted asking for help before, I thought it'd be nice of me to let you know that I have work now.
Sadly though, it's only voluntary at the moment. It's 30hrs a week for 4 weeks.
After that, they can either keep me on and start paying me, or obviously let me be on my way. If the latter happens, I will then be going elsewhere almost immediately for yet more voluntary.

This is going to be my first ever job (except for paper boy :P) and I thought I'd be pretty nervous, anxious, and all that jazz, but I'm actually not.

I only had 1 worry, which has been sorted now. I was told to wear black shoes and black trousers. I have them. No one said anything about what t-shirt/jumper/top to wear. So I was basically panicking over that. Luckily my brother knows someone who actually works at the place I am doing this voluntary, so he asked him for me, and they supply those for me when I get their.

I will be the first to admit that I am far from the most motivated person and the fact I am what you could call an Xbox (Halo :P) addict, I would have thought I wouldn't be excited. Yet I really am.
Of course I am slightly nervous (although yes, I did say earlier I wasn't), but only because of the not knowing what to expect.

Any tips or advice for me? Or anything else? =)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
I'm not 100% sure that the sandbox errors are actually a virus. :P Have you made sure that you have the latest version of flash and shockwave?

Yes I did, and I have.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Lmao I spoke too soon.
I left my PC on last night for a full system scan. When I woke up it had found nothing and was complete (,540,000 files + 3hrs scanning).
All was fine, then now.. about 10mins ago I got one of those Sandbox Violations again. I clicked Dismiss (it has dismiss, or continue).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Lucifer Avatar
People still get spam emails?

Indeed. I do anyway. Here are some I haven't been bothered to delete (I have 71 total):

From: Penis Growth Sample
Subject: Impress all in the locker room

From: Enlarge with Free trial
Subject: Have the stamina in bed like never before

From: Free trial sample enlargement
Subject: Have the pecker of her dreams

and loads more of those.. but here are a few others:

Subject: Halifax Customer Information
(Halifax for anyone who doesn't know, is a bank. I don't have, and never have had a bank with them)


I think the first lot are trying to tell me something. I just can't quite make out what. :-/


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I did uninstall and it kept on happening. It started giving me a shockwave error report to send to Opera. Which i didn't send.
SO, I thought screw it, and did a quick virus scan. It found 3 infected files. 2 of which were something to do with MSN ads or something. Not sure. But I moved all 3 to the Chest in Avast pro, and now my problem has gone. I'm not getting the sandbox Violation thing anymore (posted in another topic) and Opera is perfect again. Thank god. Or rather Avast.

Would you say 357,000 is a lot if you only have 1 tab open in the browser? It might be because I DID have other tabs open (3 or 4) but closed them, so it hasn't caught up.. ? I dunno. It's running a LOT better than it was. So i'm happy :P

Last Edit: Mar 18, 2011 1:20:58 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I know, you must be getting sick of me asking for help with lots of stuff.
I use Opera (don't suggest using a different browser. I like Opera) and for some reason it keeps crashing after 10 minutes or so.
I can only have 1 tab open and in my task manager I have noticed that the "Memory" keeps increasing, whether I am doing anything or not.

I have 4gb RAM, but when it gets to 1.8gb for just Opera, that's when it seems to crash. I can't see anything unusual open in task manager (anywhere).

I have also noticed that when I view more than a few larger images, images stop loading. I can still right click them and save them and they do save fully.

I will do a virus scan tonight when I go to bed (it takes way too long to scan my whole pc or even a quick scan).

I have uninstalled > restarted > reinstalled. This has made no difference. It's the exact same.

Other than doing the virus scan, what else can anyone suggest (remember, excluding changing browsers :P (aimed mainly at Simie if he replies =P)).

Oh and a quick note. I have definitely not changed any setting in Opera, nor have I downloaded anything lately.

Below is a screeny of my task manager to show what's open, if that helps at all.
As I started typing this whole message I had opened Opera fresh (so no tabs etc open). It was at 43,977 memory, and as you can see, in the screeny it is over double. I guess it's only gone up slowly because I have no other tabs open. By now, when I have more tabs open it is at 1.8gb and is frozen.

Last Edit: Mar 14, 2011 23:22:51 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I actually do have a printer, just no cable for it, plus it is old as hell.

MSN has ads right.. so I assume it would be one of them that did it. I wouldn't have thought an ad on there would be dangerous or anything. But who knows.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

You're my current #1 =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Don't have a printer anyway :P
I'm not too sure BUT if it helps, MSN froze when the message appeared and stopped responding.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Turned my router off and on again after pressing the wireless, it now works. woohoo
So effin happy. Thanks =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
What router do you have? The ever popular WRT54G from Linksys/Cisco?

It came free with the package.

Andrew McGivery Avatar
its a PHYSICAL button on your actual router, not on the computer in settings.

Oh right.. haha. I feel dumb :P
There's one on the front which I assume is it. I've pressed it, I will test it now.

Nah, still not working.
It has a circle around it to indicate it should/could have a light to say if it's working/on/off. No light is on at all, but then I don't think it ever has a light on.

Last Edit: Mar 10, 2011 16:59:21 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
For some reason, this just popped up on my PC.
Just to note, it was in an Adobe Flash Player 10 window/box.

SecurityError: Error #2149: Security sandbox violation:[0].displayUnit_4662563&ebResPath=http%3A//[0].displayUnit_ebBannerFlash_4662563 cannot make fscommand calls to (allowScriptAccess is ).
at FSCommand$/_fscommand()
at global/flash.system::fscommand()
at EB$/handleCommand()
at eyeblaster.core::Tracer$/debugTrace()
at eyeblaster.core::IntDuration/init()
at eyeblaster.core::IntDuration()
at EB$/startIntDuration()
at EB()
at EB$/getInstance()
at EB$/Init()
at BannerBaseAS3EyeblasterExpandInitial/frame1()

Last Edit: Mar 10, 2011 16:37:31 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Andrew McGivery Avatar
Some routers have a "enable/disable" switch on them that turned off the wireless. The internet itself still works, but the wireless won't. You could see if it has one of those... maybe someone accidently hit it.

Would that be able to happen without using my PC, because my pc is what the router is connected to and setup on?
If it can only be done on my PC then that's impossible. No one has been on it except me.

I have looked for an enable/disable option but can't find it. Maybe I do have one, and I'm just blind.

Not sure if this helps but, I did a "check internet connectivity" test, and everything came back as "green" (meaning good/fine/working, obviously) except for "Connectivity to DNS Server 2 (", which was red with an X.

(Btw, Josh I'm not ignoring your post. I'm just trying stuff first that doesn't require me to turn the router etc off again.. yet. So don't think I'm not greatly, cos I am. I will get to yours after all else fails lol.)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Hey all.
For some reason my wireless isn't working and I have no idea why.
I first found out by trying to login with my XBL on my Xbox, and it wouldn't connect.
I did everything it suggested - which is basically just to turn off my router for 30secs, then turn it back on. That didn't help. I actually left it off for about 10 minutes.

All of my lights are working perfectly fine, everything is on as it should be and how it usually is. The internet itself is working perfectly. I am using it right now.

I asked my brother to test his laptop wireless and that isn't working either. So for some reason it suddenly stopped working (I was in the middle of an Xbox online game and it suddenly disconnected - no one was using their laptop, or anything else).

So I am really really confused.

Oh and on my xbox at one point, it did say something like "Can not connect to wireless hardware". Not sure if that means my router is screwed?

Seriously, any and all suggestions for help is GREATLY appreciated.