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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
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Stinky666 Avatar
Looks like trousers from some character off Sesame Street.. or something.

Nope. :P Good try though.

Such a nice way to call me a retard :P
Not gonna guess yet, will wait for a larger pic :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Looks like trousers from some character off Sesame Street.. or something.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
You know what, I think that would suit me fine.
Although I hate loud noises, I love the colour red, therefore, the "love" over rules the hate for me.. =D


Stinky666 Avatar

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December 2009
Kay Avatar
Yeah, uh. People here move or just get shoved. =P

And btw, a woman with a child > you, as far as needing the sidewalk. Get used to it.

I already said that I am fine with it when they are not taking up ALL of the pathway, but when they DO take it all up, then at least one of them could stop and let me by. It wouldn't hurt them.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Why do women think they are better than everyone else? Keep reading to see what i am talking about exactly, before jumping to conclusions etc.

My town that I live in has 3 types of females: Chavs. Obese. Old.

Whenever I'm out and about, doing whatever, there is always multiple females walking (which is obviously fine, free country and all).
What's annoying is that no matter how wide the path is, they are side by side, they will never move out of the way so you, 1 person, can get by (this is when they are walking towards you).

Whether I am alone or with 100 friends, I will ALWAYS move out the way for ANYONE to get past so they don't have to walk/step on the road. Guys always even seem to do this when I walk past them, someone will always move, whereas females NEVER move out the way, even when hogging the entire pathway. It really pisses me off, because I then have to literally step on the road.

The worst offenders are actually the older women. I think they think they have lived on this planet long enough, so WE (the younger generation) owe them and they have earned the right to not move, and we need to show them some respect and all that crap.

Ones that are almost as bad - and really do annoy me - are any aged female with a child (so they are using a push chair, buggy etc). If there is one of them, then I don't mind because obviously they can't help it, but so often there is multiple of them all in a row, and not one of them will budge a slight bit.

End of rant? Yeah :P

Last Edit: Mar 4, 2011 17:17:51 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
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Lucifer Avatar
When I say "room", I say "rum".

I think that's just your subconscious...

Xuzi: Actually, I just pronounce the second parts of the word. ButTON like "a ton of cash" and kitTEN like "I have ten dollars." :P

That's rather weird. Though, i'm not sure if that's the proper way of saying those. I guess the best thing to do would be to watch a Royal (preferably The Queen) and see if she says either of those words and how.. :P

I just say "kittun" or whatever.

How does one not pronounce "cot" and "caught" differently?
I'm quite common but damn, even I can pronounce those very differently :P

Last Edit: Mar 4, 2011 13:01:25 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

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December 2009
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Err, you both have only had 1 car in your life?

It was a great car and perfectly reliable.

Aka. They are both cheap asses and/or poor. =D
But no, I haven't ever owned a car.. So at least they are richer than myself.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
With certain words, well, with words that have a 't' in or mainly at the end, I don't pronounce the 't' properly.
It's too hard to explain how it actually is that I pronounce it. I don't not say the 't' but then I don't pronounce it as it should be. I just say it quite quickly, or that's how it seems, but that's not the case.

It's a pain not being able to, because it means I have to try remember to pronounce it properly when I say my name, which in itself is not difficult to do, it's just that when I do pronounce it correctly and because I really try, it then doesn't sound round to me.

For anyone that doesn't know, my name is Brett.
I kind of pronounce it "Bre" but with a very quick sound at the end lol.

What letter(s), if any, don't/can't you pronounce properly/fully unless you think about doing so? I don't mean using it in slang words, or chav talk and all that rubbish. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
abZebras Avatar
I've been thinking lately about college, and how I think i want to be thought of. Up until sophomore year I was fairly awkwardly introverted, but I've realized that it's for the most part boring, and I've "come out of my shell" a little, just trying to be a little bit of a more interesting person. I don't wanna say I'm a new me, because that's cheesy and an unnecessary overstatement, but I think it'll be nice to more or less start over with some new friendships.

But you're still being you, right? You're not changing your personality etc. just to suit those friends.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I had a conversation with someone about 'being yourself' around people.
Personally, if someone doesn't like the real me, they can simply bugger off.
Of course though, when you first meet someone (possibly the first few times) you wont be the FULL you (unless that involves just being really quiet?).
I think we all more or less tread on egg shells, but this is to make a good first (or second) impression.

This is nothing like being something that you're not, to suit someone else (or others).
Basically, he was saying that he'd rather have 1,000 "friends" for his "fake version" than 10 close friends who like and love him for him.
Don't get me wrong, I can understand that, yet at the same time not.
Maybe because I have been brought up to be myself.

I'm wondering, do you take on a whole different personality when with your "friends" to keep them happy? Or are you like me, and you're simply the full you?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

And gals (Xuzi posted) =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Happy belated birthday sexy.
Although, I wished you it on MSN, so I'm not late.. =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Sorry I didn't reply to this everyone.
Thank you all for the replies, they are appreciated.

Today I had a meeting with a company TNG that helps me with all job stuff (interview techniques etc) and I start a Work Placement on March 7th, which is 30hrs per week and lasts for 4weeks. Hopefully then, they offer me a job. If not, I think I get placed somewhere else for 4 weeks, and the cycle keeps happening until I get offered a job, or apply/find one elsewhere.

What will I be doing I hear you all wondering?
Well, I'm not too sure EXACTLY, but it's in a store (they sell clothes and such) and because I told this Work Placement officer how shy I am, and how I really don't want to serve customers, I will be dealing with deliveries.

I have to go back down in a few hours to do the paper work and get it all sorted, but yeah.. Thought I'd let you all know. I'm actually really nervous about it, since I have no work experience at all.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Right, I've been looking for work a lot lately, sending a lot of spec letters to companies who aren't advertising.
My town is basically full of all sorts of jobs, but our main type includes serving customers. In stuff such as big chain stores and mini/local stores. You got stuff like Greggs, Subway, and all other types of shit like that. Everything seems to be serving people.

Now, I really really don't want that type of a job. It's hard to explain why, but I can be fine with people. I am polite etc. but it's just the type of job I really wouldn't stick to, and I'd end up quitting after a week or less.

I want something where you work in the background. So what i have been trying to look for is "warehouse assistant" type of jobs.

Another type of job I really wouldn't mind is delivering goods, but not huge goods (such as fridges, cookers, beds etc). However, the only problem with that is I can't drive, and I very much doubt there are any jobs that require two people to deliver, when the items aren't too big.

So, based on these two kinds of jobs, I need more ideas to be able to expand my search... Any help is much appreciated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar

He's been infected with the T-Virus.

Then he's lucky.