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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm in England, but anyway..

I got it December 21st 2010 and it went about 16 days later, so roughly January 6th 2011.
So I guess I had it this year. Hopefully not again for another few years because this years one was the worst flu I have ever had.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Andrew McGivery Avatar
what doesn't work? :S

For example, try putting "01", "02" and "03" into the List using the script. It wont do all 3 because they all start with the "0".

Works perfectly fine for everything else, even if you did "01", "ab" and "02", it works great.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Yes, that's right. There are multiple subjects that will be discussed in this one topic.

Firstly, why the hell is the internet so boring? I know it's limitless, but jeez, i can never find anything to do. I only go on a few sites, most being ones such as Clients From Hell, MLIA and FML etc.

Secondly, why are people so obsessed with reality tv shows and competition shows? Over here (UK) there seems to ALWAYS be one or both of these on.

We have so much crap for these. And the odd thing is, all of the shows would get many viewing (10 million). I absolutely dislike all of these shows whether they are celebrity orientated or not. I just don't see what's so interesting about them. Though, i do like to watch the first auditions for things like X-Factor, and Britains Got Talent.. You have to find those funny.

Obviously people must have no life or nothing exciting in their own life, for them to watch all these. I know it's stereotypical, but typically, if you watch one, you watch them all.
The worst thing is that I actually have no life and nothing happening, BUT I don't enjoy these things (for the most part).

Thirdly, why oh why are we so obsessed with celebrities as a whole? Yes they make good music. yes they are good at acting. Do we really need to know every little detail about certain celebs? There are way too many magazines that are all about perving (lets face it, it's perving) on celebs. There's even too many reality shows for celebs these days too.

Fourthly, I can't believe how much forums (PB to be fair) has impacted my life. Both negatively and positively. Negatively because I have no life now due to it, but positively because of so many things I have learned (patience, design [and the love for], and much more).
What negative and positive impact(s) has PB had on you?
Preferably ones that stand out more so than others.

Ok so, that's all.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Firstly, wow, it sounds/seems weird someone verbally saying "stinky" as my name. haha.

Secondly, Chris, I love you. It worked. I don't get why that didn't work the first time for me though. I virtually did the same thing. I just named the folder differently and the notepad file.

Btw, the problem with it not working on things used more than once, it actually did just work for me fine by doing "01", "02", and "03" all on separate lines, however, now it doesn't work.

Last Edit: Feb 14, 2011 4:43:50 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
haha nah.

Version - 11.00
Build- 1156
Platform - Win32
System - Windows NT 6.0


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
It's alright, I wont be bugging you now. I have been informed that WMM does in fact cut clips, and can also speed up/slow down clips, too.
That's more or less all I needed. So hopefully I can do what I wanted with WMM.

Thanks though to those who helped/suggested etc.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
So everything else I did was right?
I have tried dragging and dropping the folder into Opera. I also tried just the script. None work.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I dunno how I have messed it up.
I think it's the whole saving the script... I saved it in a notepad and named it NAME.user.js or w/e that site told me to.
I then put it into a folder named 'GM', and in 'Tools > Preferences... > Advanced > Content > JavaScript Options...' I used the "browse" to select the folder "GM".. I think it's possibly all wrong? Help? :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I really did something wrong then. Doesn't work for me haha.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Alright, I have After Effects CS3.
Josh, I hope you know that since you suggested it, you're going to be getting asked a lot of questions.
I don't want to be reading tutorials, or watching videos, since all I need is a few things.
Of course, I will be playing around first to see if I can do stuff myself, however, if not, I will ask. =D

Not sure if you'd prefer to just keep it in this topic or for me to PM you questions or.. ?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Right I think I'm just retarded but, I don't see where it is etc.
I saved that in a notepad file (nto sure if you're meant to?) and named it NAME.user.js, stuck that in a folder and in the Tools ? preferences > etc for Opera, I chose that folder for the directory. If that's all correct, where should the script be located in Opera?

I've most likely done all of it wrong, but I have no clue so it was all guess work :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Today is mine and your unlucky day, because I use Opera. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
xmsteel Avatar
WMm sucks anyway. For some reason I thought you had a mac... I think sony makes a video program, if i remember correctly. What os do you run? Im pretty familiar with vista's movie maker.

I wish I had a Mac. It would be very nice haha.
Sadly though, I have to stick with Vista for now.

Josh Avatar
After Effects, in my opinion, is the best. I've used AE, something from Sony that I can't remember the name of, and Final Cut in the past and AfterEffects seemed to be the perfect blend of ease-of-use and power. It's fairly easy to learn (especially if you have experience in Flash and Photoshop), but also has the power to do professional video editing if you wanted to.

Can one "obtain" AE separately from PS etc.?
I do have experience with Photoshop, but haven't for a long time now, and not with the latest version(s). I have never had experience with Flash.
I just want to be able to do some "basic" stuff really, like the speeding up/down time, cutting clips and anything else that (if you've seen montages) is typical in one.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm not sure if to stick this here, or in design. I'm hoping here is fine.

Basically, I have 65 clips (Halo for a montage) and want to stick them all together.
I want Video Editing Software that I can learn what i need to quickly.
What I will be wanting to do are stuff such as:

- Speed up/down specific time in each individual clip.
- Add music.

Not sure what else.. but yeah haha.

Any ideas? I was going to use Windows Movie Maker, but I can't figure out - if possible - to speed up/down or even cut seconds off.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Hechizero Avatar
Try the following:

1- Tools -> Options -> Privacy Tab

Then select "Remember history"
"Use custom setting for history"
Check "Remember search and form history"

2- -> Security Tab

Check "Remember password for sites" and maybe click on "Exceptions" and remove all the entries.

That should make FF ask you to remember password for sites and you will see suggestion when typing usernames/info/search.


I changed it to "Remember History", and now it works.
I love you =D

Thanks a lot.