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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
...then use bigger. oO I have walls right now that are three times the size of my monitor. Future proofing my computer.

My screen reso. is set to its highest.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
In no order:


For some reason, those ones stand out for me, a lot.
Although, it's the first 3 of those 4 that stand out the most.

Why don't they have wallpapers for 1280x1024px ?

Because it's an obsolete resolution?

Who cares, they have literally every other.
There are some of us who use that resolution.
No way am I using smaller, and no way can I afford a new monitor.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
In no order:


For some reason, those ones stand out for me, a lot.
Although, it's the first 3 of those 4 that stand out the most.

Why don't they have wallpapers for 1280x1024px ?

Last Edit: Jan 13, 2011 1:03:47 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Inception = Seen

The Fighter = One that I'm not too sure about. Not sure if I would be able to get into it or not.

True Grit = Heard of it, and just IMDB'd it, but again, doesn't seem like I could get into it.

Tron: Legacy = Definitely one I wanna see. I can't believe I forgot that, especially since my mate keeps going on about it.

The Town = Another one I wanted to see, but not majorly. But definitely one to add to my list. That's at least 2 people that have said it's a great movie.

The Social Network = Really doesn't interest me

So that's 2 to add anyway. So thanks. Keep 'em coming please.
Also another I just remembered for 2011 is the movie named "Paul". Looks pretty funny.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Is there no way to make it so that, when you highlight lines of text and you then click to use the "Insert List" UBBC, it automatically adds a [/li][li] per line?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm what you could call behind on movies.
So I was wondering if you all could help me compile a list so I can get them (not all at once, but one every now and again).

I'm mostly concentrating on movies from 2010 only, but I do have one for 2011 so far on the list so that i don't forget it. So suggest 2010 or 2011, but try concentrate on 2010 if you can please.

What I have, and all I can think of, but there are plenty more:

-Due Date
-The Warrior's Way
-Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1
-The Town
-Tron: legacy

-The Mechanic
-The Green Hornet

-Pirates of the Caribbean: On the Strangers Tide
-Green Lantern
-Hancock 2

Doesn't matter what you suggest, even if it's something I really really think looks crap, still suggest because you may think of one I had absolutely forgot about.

Last Edit: May 15, 2011 15:00:53 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Just watched the trailer for this yesterday because I saw it on homepage.
To me, it seems like it should be an amazing movie. I know I shouldn't, but I now have high hopes for this, and it's definitely a "Movie of the Year" to see for me.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
No clue what to suggest or anything, but I'm liking the sphere inside the cube.
Did you create that?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Quinine Avatar
I'm actually pretty sure I'm paranoid: at night, while I'm trying to get to sleep, if I hear any creak or bump, I jump out of bed, heart pounding, to search my house and make sure all doors/windows are locked before I go back to bed.

Recently, it's gotten so bad that I actually have to sleep listening to music. D:

I only count steps if I'm not in a hurry and there are a lot of them.

I actually sort of do something similar, except I never get out of bed to check.
I hear noises and then I basically listen out for the noise again, then when it makes the noise again, I try figure out what it is, then it takes me forever to get to sleep.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Feather Avatar
But back on the original topic -- no, I don't count steps. If I ever do, it's on purpose. C:

Same for me. Mine is always on purpose.
I just can't not count.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
For some reason, whenever I walk up or down some steps (any kind, anywhere) I have to count them as I walk or run down/up them.
No clue why, I just do it.

In my old house that i lived in for 20 years, I used to do it. It had 13 steps leading upstairs. I know it had 13, so I have no clue why I always counted.
Even if I went up stairs then came straight back down, I counted them when I went up and then when i came back down.

The same applies for the flat I currently live in.
We have some outside steps (9) leading to our front (only) door, then as you come through the door there are 7 more. I just have to count.

Would something like this be classed as an OCD?
I don't think it would be because I'm not obsessive about it, I don't have to go back and recount if I miss a step or anything weird like that.

Some times I will skip a step or two, but can still keep track of how many steps I have gone down/up.

Am I the only one to do this? Surely I'm not.


Stinky666 Avatar

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December 2009
Chris Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar

At least I'm not the only one to have a "special moment". Even if I do seem to have them quite often these days. :-X

My personal favorite is when they used an add for a movie to also promote Black Ops. That one actually had me for a bit. :P

Link or it didn't happen :o
No but really, I haven't seen it, or if I have, I have no idea what one it is.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Joe Kerr Avatar

So what is real and what isn't? Is the boogieman real?

*runs of crying to mom*

I really don't have a problem with letting them believe it for a while...i actually never believed in santa...don't know why guess i was just to smart...

So smart that even now, you can't tell the difference between "of" and "off", and also "to" and "too". ;D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Letting kids believe in Santa is probably good. It gives them something to keep them always happy before they turn into depressed adults living in the real world. Plus, if we got rid of Santa, we'd have to get rid of the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, etc.

Why? They exist.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I don't see any problem with it. I mean, so many people have been told the lies and then when they find out, get over it.
The odd thing is, I don't get why really you need to make him some magical being/person and such, when it's the presents that get children excited.

But yeah, didn't hurt me. But then, I did go round telling everyone in nursery (I was about 3 I think) that Santa wasn't real. Yes, I got told off by the teacher(s) and made many little kids cry. =D