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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I assume you have a reflective floor because the text reflects.
But then how does the text reflect and the abstract object does not?
Also, the reflection for the background/sky isn't reflected properly because, well, it's not an "exact" mirror on the floor. Or doesn't appear to be to me anyway.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Stinky = fail. :P However, I will occasionally see what I think is a CG movie and it's a video game. that's happened plenty of times to me.

At least I'm not the only one to have a "special moment". Even if I do seem to have them quite often these days. :-X


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I've seen none of them, although I actually do want to see Narnia.
To be fair, of them all Narnia is really the only one I 'want' to see.
The only 3 movies I have yet to see and want to (I mean WANT to - Narnia is a "I've seen the other two so I will see this one too") are Unstoppable, The Warrior's Way and Harry Potter.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
You know, I'm very unsure on whether or not I want to see The Tourist.
Looks great, yet at the same time it looks crap. So no to that. Well not a no, just an undecided.

127 hours
The Fighter
Black Swan
The Tourist

That order, there. =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I will jump right in the deep end and say what I don't like, as opposed to what I do...
The 6 things I don't think look so great are (top to bottom - left to right)):

1 - Banner Font
2 - The "Share" Icons (Twitter, Facebook etc)
    - Makes it look too unsymmetrical with there being nothing to balance it the right side.
3 - "Welcome", "Date" and "PMs" section
    - Not sure how to explain it, but it just doesn't look right with the overall design (the fade - and also the fact the right side (PMs) are "split" into 2)
4 - Glow and circular images on the announcement table
    - Again, they don't really go with the overall design
5 - Announcement table "text"
    - By this I mean, the fact there are 7 staff on the right side, and only 4 lines of text for news. I just personally prefer it to be even (so 4 and 4, or 7 and 7) :P
6 - Affiliate, Report, Copyright
    - I feel as though these are unfinished and should be green buttons or something.

I wouldn't say any of my dislikes/suggestions are harsh or bad etc. so I hope you don't take any to heart or anything.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Just to let everyone know. It happened again today. Stupid advert. I hate it.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
The one time air brushing would have been accepted and they don't use it.
The fools.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Ok so not entirely sure which sub this should go in. I assume it'd go in V.G though. So just move it there if need be =D

Basically, I have fell for a little something 2 times now, over the period of a couple of weeks.

On tv there was an advert, which has some nice CGI in, of a Dragon and I was thinking "wow, this looks like it'll be a great movie", only for it to then be all "World of Warcraft Cataclysm" (Is that what is is? Apologies if I am wrong).

So yeah, I "fell" for that once, then again yesterday it came on, and I had totally forgotten, and thought the (more or less) exact same thing - it looks like a great movie. Only for it to (yet again, obviously) advertise WoW the game.

I still think though it looked epic for a movie. I really think they should do a movie for it now, purely because it was just great looking.

I have never played (nor do I ever intend to - actually, I just never will) the game, so i have no clue on how good/bad etc that is, but.. hmm... yeah

Anyone else seen the advert/trailer for this game and made the same assumption as I did (twice)?
Surely there's got to be other's who was tricked :P

Added an 'n' on 'Dragon'. Typo's ftw.

Last Edit: Dec 14, 2010 4:37:26 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
If I didn't know that was a "P", I would assume it was possibly a "?".
Maybe it's just how my mind works, but that's what it looks more like to me.

You need to try do something to make the "P" stand out more.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I have to agree with greezebelieve (who commented on your dA) about the font size.
I think because of the size, the "key features" you advertise up the top look awkwardly placed. Especially the first part "2.8" touchscreen..." being on two lines.

I also think that where you've coloured certain words pink, you should try to rearrange because, to me, it looks pretty messy.

Something possibly like so:

introducing the LG Voyager....
   - 2.8" TOUCH & secondary messaging screens
   - QWERTY keyboard
   - V CAST mobile tv access
   - 2.0 MEGAPIXEL camera
   - FULL WEB browsing

I understand that above is red.
Something like that just looks more organized, tidier, and more professional in my opinion.

Last Edit: Dec 9, 2010 23:56:36 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
How can you make your wireless router so that only one wireless connection can be connected at once?

So, say my brother has his laptop on and I have my xbox on, if he got on his laptop first it wouldn't let me on my xbox and vice versa.

Basically it would work on a "first come, first served" basis.

Although to be honest, I'd prefer to be able to make it so that my brother and his g/f can't be on their laptop's at the same time, but if one of them are on, I can be on my Xbox.

Any clue? Is it even possible? I'm sure it is, just possibly difficult to do?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
1) to check the new Daily Challenges (Yeah, I'm addicted to reach :P)
2) Clients From Hell > FML > MLIA
3) Check E-mail
4) Facebook to play a game (yet another game addiction :()


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Eric Avatar
Because a smart person can actually fully imagine several horrible scenes when you ask "what's the worst that could happen?" A dumb person thinks about the question for a few seconds, and doesn't really settle on a result.

That's what i did think, especially since that's what it's like for me.
I ALWAYS think/worry "what if I say..." or "what if I do..." or "what if they ask.." or "what if this happens...".

I'm basically like that about EVERYTHING.
I'm one though that's not confident at first but then get confident when I get used to the people and surroundings etc.

xmsteel Avatar
Is this thread about me?

lol. I actually wouldn't be able to say yes or no since I don't know you too well :P
It's actually about my brother and just a lot of his mates, and people I know of.. Know of due to having to go to this group that helps you into work (helps with all kinds of things, you name it, they do it).

Just the fact that all the people that go there (ok not ALL, but the majority) are just really dumb/stupid yet are very confident etc. It really annoys and frustrates me lol.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Seriously, why are dumb people so confident?
I'm not smart but I wouldn't say I'm dumb either.
I'm not confident unless it's something I know of/about, and I feel comfortable with people I am with.
Yet dumb people just always seem to be confident.

I know that some smart and some "medium smart" people are confident too.. but wtf


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Sorry but I have none for you, however, I can see why you had an artgasm (for the second link).
I'll be honest though, some of them I don't like, but then other's are just amazing.
I really love: Swan Ship[/i] and Skybridge[/i].

I'm not entirely sure why they stand out for me. Perhaps because they have such great abstract about them.