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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Lucifer Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar

Um, no.
If I don't want to answer the door in MY home, I wont.
Just because someone doesn't answer their door, that does not give the "knockee" the right to just open it, especially if it's NOT a family friend or family member.

True, but LOCKING said door is always a grand idea.

Not really, since you don't expect people to just walk in :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Jim Avatar
...try answering the door next time, then.

Um, no.
If I don't want to answer the door in MY home, I wont.
Just because someone doesn't answer their door, that does not give the "knockee" the right to just open it, especially if it's NOT a family friend or family member.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I agree on the reflection being a bit more faded, however, since the rest of your scene is quite "bright" (lighting is) I think the reflection is best suited like it is.
As we all know, the more light, the clearer the reflection would be.

Therefore, I think it's right how it is, but then from a personal point of view, I don't like reflections to be that clear. So having a bit more fade would be nice (to me). But as I say, that's just a personal preference.

One other thing that's odd is, the florals aren't being reflected.. Not sure why that is. But then, with your quote saying about mistakes, you could quite happily pretend like you did it on purpose. So, it could basically be like a statement being put through in your piece.
Not sure if you had already thought of that for the floral reflection "error". If not, I think you should :D

Another thing I think would look better is making the text slightly 3D.
I'd suggest putting it so we can see the 3D on the left side. And by slight, I literally do only mean slight.

Other than those few things, I like it.

Last Edit: Nov 21, 2010 19:02:30 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Best part of this is, he's not the only person to have done this.
Someone else has done it before. I can't remember who but I think I know why they do it.

The flat I am in is kind of like where older (O.A.P's) live, the majority are but a select few are younger people (it's basically so one street/block of flats isn't all young people so they don't cause lots of trouble etc).
So, I believe they think we're oldies who live here (they just assume so) so possibly, they were just letting themselves in because they thought perhaps we were too old to walk etc. I honestly don't know lol.

But still, with 2 sets of stairs, they shouldn't assume that, surely..


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
So, last night approximately 8:30 p.m and me and a mate are watching the newest episode of Stargate Universe in my front living room (on the tv).
All of a sudden we hear a knock.

Now, one thing I should explain is, my brother has loads of mates come round often, people always knocking, and I always ignore it because I don't like any of his mates (ok there are a couple I do, but the majority i don't).

So, I wasn't expecting anyone, we continued watching, then another knock. We continued to ignore, then all of a sudden the door opened.
I didn't hear the door open but my mate did and said about it, I simply said "it's most likely my brother's girlfriend has forgotten her keys, but tried the door and realized it's not locked."

All of a sudden a couple of seconds I hear a voice I don't recognize (no clue what the voice said), i jump up and go to the door, and some guy has half way up my stairs (we live in a flat, to get to our front door there is about 12 steps, then when you get in the actual flat, there is a further 7 steps).

I had no clue wtf to say, I was just "wha..." and he said "pizza?" I said "what?", he then said "did you order pizza?" I said "no" (in a pissed off tone etc, understandably).

He then simply said "alright sorry", and then left.
Now, I do believe he was a pizza guy because all of our pizza places use a red bag for the food, and he did have one and it did seem as though it had stuff in it. However, I'm thinking maybe it was a clever decoy and really he was just using that to steal?

But in short, has this, or similar, ever happened to you?
(sorry for the wall of text :P)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Just to let you all know (everyone that helped/replied), this problem is now fixed.
I emailed the emachines support team (originally I emailed the US ones, they redirected me to the UK - I felt so retarded haha).

They replied with simply saying press F11 on start up, or if that fails, use ALT+F10, then it will take me to the Full System Recovery screen. Which it finally did. Woot.
And all is now working, even though everything was erased etc. But neither me or my brother give a crap about that.
He's just glad he didn't have to pay to get it fixed, or worse, buy a new laptop.

Last Edit: Nov 19, 2010 16:58:38 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
He's had the laptop for over a year though (close to a year and a half) and the laptop has been fine up until he got this stupid worm and we I did that update. So eMachine isn't a problem :P
I contacted eMachine though. Just waiting for a proper response now because I had to supply a SNID for the laptop, but gave the wrong numbers/characters haha. Sent the correct ones now, so lets see what they can do.

I think they are going to suggest buying a windows disc though. I hope they at least try give some other solutions first. Will keep you all updated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Does anyone know who it's best for me to contact, either eMachine, or MS?
Obviously eMachine because that's the make of the laptop.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
You boot into the BIOS settings (which should be one of the function keys right as you turn the machine on) and change your boot drive to the partition (usually D:\ or E:\ on most installs). That'll boot directly into that drive and should run the setup. You'll have to change it back after running it, though.

Ok so the recovery thing I tried from the link I found didn't work, so I tried this.
When I go into the F2 (BIOS), it obviously displays several tabs, I can't find anything for this :(

Don't suppose you know exactly where it is?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Halo Reach


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
You boot into the BIOS settings (which should be one of the function keys right as you turn the machine on) and change your boot drive to the partition (usually D:\ or E:\ on most installs). That'll boot directly into that drive and should run the setup. You'll have to change it back after running it, though.

What I'm going to do first, is try this:

I've burnt it ready, so now it's a case of being bothered to do it for my brother.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Toshiru Avatar
Bayonetta is one hell of a game. Really really fast pace.

Tried the demo for it earlier, and I am very impressed by it. I really can imagine myself playing and enjoying it.

Josh Avatar
I've never played the first Assassin's Creed, only the second. Just got the email from Newegg saying Brotherhood has shipped, too. From what I have heard from my friends, AC1 sucked. It was cool to play, but the controls were hard to do. AC2 is a continuation of the outside story but the inside story (you'll understand after you play) is a completely different one. So it really doesn't matter. I wouldn't start with Brotherhood, though, since that is a direct sequel to AC2

I'm going to get Bayonetta and do that but then I'm actually going to attempt AC (only the first one though). I can imagine AC2 is still expensive since I don't think it's that old, right?

Lucifer Avatar
Devil May Cry for sure. God of War is another to check out if you have a PS2/PS3 handy.

I tried the demo for DMC4 earlier. I liked it, yet sort of had doubts about it. Overall though I did like it, but I'm unsure on whether it's one I'd want to buy and play the full game of.
I have a PS2 but never play that anymore, haven't for over a year (since I got my 360). Definitely though, if I had a PS3 I'd get God of War.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
xmsteel Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
How does one re-install without the disc though?
Remember I can't even logon in, it doesn't get past the loading bit :(

Is there a way you can contact microsoft to get a disk, if you prove authenticity?

Weirdly, I hadn't even thought of that.
How do you think I would/could prove it though?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
How does one re-install without the disc though?
Remember I can't even logon in, it doesn't get past the loading bit :(


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Hey all,

this isn't a laptop problem of mine, it's my brothers.
I'll obviously explain what it's doing (or rather, not doing) and then what i have done etc.

Basically, he had a worm which as soon as you logged in, you couldn't do anything because it would popup and then restart the laptop, instantly showing the "blue screen". I went into safe mode and managed to get to system restore, did it, it was gone and everything was fine.

I then installed a new windows update: Service Pack 2. I restarted the laptop and since then, when it gets to the loading bar that says "© Microsoft Corporation" below, it just stays at that point but constantly loads (the animation for the loading bar continues, it doesn't freeze up). So, it doesn't even get to the login screen.

I have restarted many times and tried Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Last Known Good Config. (advanced). I have even tried all other options that I have no clue how to use. Since all the ones I know require you to get past the loading screen to start "working", it's annoying.

I haven't tried the "F10" or "F2" options, because they are confusing as hell and I have no idea what i am doing with those.

I'm unsure if the problem is due to the update, or if it's still the worm, but I am sure it's not the worm. I could obviously be wrong.

He doesn't have a Windows Disc (Vista) so I can't even just re-install.
No clue why he didn't get the disc, perhaps because Vista was pre-installed?
It's a genuine copy because the laptop was bought brand new.

If anyone can help, please do so. All efforts are GREATLY appreciated.