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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
Assassin's Creed. Seriously the best non-shooter games ever made, and there is a third one coming out on Tuesday. :D

You're about the 3rd or 4th person to suggest A.C.
I have the first one, but I have never played it. I played the training bit, but didn't even complete that because I was doing it on my bro's Xbox, and thsi was about a year ago.
I now own the first one because he gave me it (or I traded it with him, I dunno).

Silly question but, I assume playing the first would be the better option?
Some games I have gone straight to the newest and played, and with doing so loved it more because gameplay, graphics etc are better (take MW2 for example, I had never played any other COD game. I played MW2 then played all the others lol).

richardgary1223 Avatar
Nov 14, 2010 16:24:12 GMT @richardgary1223 said:
have you looked into street fighter IV / Soul calibur IV, stinkeh?

Street Fighter, doesn't really look as fun as what Tekken 6 or Soul Calibur IV are, sadly.
I own and LOVE S.C IV. I over-played it quite a lot lol.
The style of it, and moves etc is just fantastic.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Hey all,

I'm in search of some different types of games. Currently, all I have been playing is FPS (Halo, COD - actually that's all).. But I want some others, preferably ones with as similar game play (and style etc) to any of the below. I don't want any type of shooter:

Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Blade
Dante's Inferno
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

(Xbox 360 by the way)

I know that not everyone will like all, or possibly any of those games, but personally I like them. I love the fast paced type of fighting games like those.

Also, I understand that basically, Ninja Blade and Ninja Gaiden are more or less very very similar.

They don't have to be new. They could be a few years old or whatever.
I'm not fussed so long as it/they is/are decent enough and similar to the above 4.

To possibly help give ideas, I posted this else where (on the Bungie forums) and someone suggested:

Devil May Cry + Bayonetta

I youtubed game play for them and they actually do look great and the type of games I am looking for.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Their new album is great.
Half of the songs are at least, then the other half are just meeeehhhh.
Though, to be fair, I had to listen to the album several times before I started to even like one of the songs. But now I love half of them.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Just to let you know, you're not the only one with a FireFox problem.
I think my plugin-container is also somehow screwed up.
If I turn on my pc and then open firefox, it opens fine. If however, I close FF and then moments or hours later I want to open it again, it simply does not open. It does open, it shows that it has opened in Task manager, but isn't actually open. Leaving it for hours doesn't help either (in the sense that it still doesn't actually 'open').

Now, if I end process for FF, it lets me but then remains in my task manager using my RAM, if I try end again it says it isn't open. If though, I end the plugin-container, it still shows FF as being open BUT, I can then open FF fine.

Anyone got any solutions for this?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Simie Avatar
xcessive Avatar
It is not bad, the simplicity lets the content speak for itself. My main problem at the moment is the fact that font has gotten very pixelated. This is because (i think) the antialiasing due to using @font-face. I suggest you save it as an image in photoshop using PS's superior anti aliasing. I usually do this for thin fonts as they tend to look grainy/pixely if I actually display them as text on a website.

The pixely font is actually a windows-only issue. On mac the fonts look fantastic.

I have been intending to get some images to replace it on windows browsers (except FF4 and IE9, which have font-smoothing) but haven't got around to it yet. Thanks for pointing it out though :-)

So much for the whole "not using images" :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
One other thing to add for the speech bubble:

On some designs it vanishes but on other's it simply hides behind the image but with a little bit poking out at the bottom (by a little bit I mean 3-4 lines of text), which imo is something that is distracting.
You want people to concentrate on the design they are viewing, for that time..
There's something kind of annoying too, about the text (buttons) inside.on the face..

Some very nice designs on there though.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
For "Blog", I think possibly (try, just to see what it looks like) have it in 3 seperate parts.
One for The Past, one for The Present, and finally The Future.
Basically have it the same style you have on the front page.
(Actually, there's 2 things I can think of, using the style of your homepage to make the above better.)

Why not just do this for every page?

Also, I kind of think you need an icon/image (just one colour) on the top of each page if you choose to do that, cos otherwise it's too minimal then but I think it's better that way.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Halo Reach
Had my first ever game of Infection. I actually liked it a lot.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
How about Tekken 6 ?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Never have and never will use it =D
Just simply don't need to, so yeah, scrap it. It's a pointless feature.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Age: 22
Previous Employers: None
Position: None
Why?: No specific job. Just wanting to try find my strengths and weakness so i can start to build one for anything.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Eric Avatar
What do you specialize in?

That's yet another thing. I have nothing lol.
Sad, but true. The only thing I used to be decent at was math.
But now I suck BADLY since I only have up to age 12 math taught to me.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Eric Avatar
What did you study in college?

That's the thing.. I never went to college.
I didn't even finish secondary school.
I quit WAY too young (when i was 12).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I don't know if Americans or any other country have C.V's, but in England they show off your work experience/history, qualifications, strengths and weaknesses.

Now, i have no qualifications, no work experience and have no clue what my strengths are, let alone my weaknesses.
The only 2 strengths I can think of, that aren't all that, are:
- I like to help people - in the sense of sharing is caring.
- I HATE being late for stuff. So I am always on time for stuff. I like to plan stuff ahead.

I have never been able to write myself a C.V because of all the reasons listed above.
The fact that also a C.V is - in my opinion - about bigging yourself up and being vain about yourself, doesn't help. Purely because I'm not that kind of person, BUT then someone else can't really write your C.V for you because who knows 'you' better than you? No one.

Ask me questions to help me or... whatever..
Appreciated. :)

Last Edit: Aug 15, 2010 2:49:53 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Andrew McGivery Avatar

Reminds me of a time when a bunch of trolls went on a seizure forum and posted a bunch of 1000x1000 random color flashing images >_< that shit was BAAADDDD.

Wasn't that Anonymous (or someone claiming to be them)? Or am I completely mistaken?

Have we not all done that at SOME point in our forum life?
No? Neither have I... :-X