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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
The forum width and banner proportion is totally wrong.
Either make the forum width as small as the banner section, or vice versa.
I'd suggest the latter.

The old/new icons just look too simple and basic and don't fit the skin in my opinion.
How about making names the same hex as the boards' rollover/hover? Or make topic titles that colour. I'd go with the names though.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Learning Rights (LR) only. No ripping.
All PSDs are owned by me for FR.
(click image to download)

Last Edit: Jan 14, 2010 2:41:10 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Well HDRI's are (free ones) about 2,000px+ lol


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
I agree with you on J. Jonah Jameson. JK Simmons was absolutely perfect as him. Also kind of disappointed we won't see Dylan Baker finally become Lizard.

I'm glad to be rid of Maguire, though. Never did like him, really. Other than his cameo in Tropic Thunder, of course. They need to make Satan's Alley into a movie, damnit.

Maguire looks a bit like a drug addict in the movie Brothers.
So he should stick with that sort of role in my opinion haha.

Not sure who Peter Parker could be, but Marie J. could definitely be anyone (any young(ish) female anyway).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

Preview (sucky preview but I explained why on my dA):


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I thought the movies were OK too.
Obviously they were aimed at all ages so they had limits, perhaps if they were 18+ then they could have been better. A completely new cast etc. is ridiculous.
It won't work unless said cast is an exceptional one.

I'm not too bothered about the 4th being scrapped though. It's a movie I watch just to watch, not one i'm all *omg gotta see otherwise I shall die*


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Modern Warfare 2: Team Deathmatch Express


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Josh Avatar
I was just having this discussion with a friend. The things that make people unique are interesting as hell, even if a bit disturbing.

So, tell me (and everyone else, of course), some odd things about you that make you unique. I'm not talking about having a bad relationship with your dad or anything like that, I am talking things that few others can say about themselves.

Personally, one odd thing about me is that I have never in my life used a urinal. I can use toilets no problem, I just cannot use a urinal.

You literally can't use one? You have a phobia or them or something?
If not a phobia.. actually, either way, pretty weird lol :P

I can't really think of anything in all honesty.
I'm sure many things have come up whilst talking to people on MSN or in other discussions, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything. :-/


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Is it serious debates only?
I mean, could there be stuff like "Mac vs PC" ? That's just purely an example, don't add. But I think you get what I mean. Not something that's too stupid, but not too serious either.
Someone here should know what I mean :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
....or each fortnight.



Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
But.. everyone knows I'm not American :'(
Cheers for the link btw, appreciated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Does it cost a hell of a lot though? Don't suppose it's a freephone number? lol


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Alrighty good =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
.... Can I ring that number? Do 1-800 etc work for us in England?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar

I just say it dependent on who I am with really.
For example if I am with certain friends, mainly guys, i will and don't mind swearing, but most times it's when I am at home.
If out and about , I rarely swear, because I simply don't need to do so to get a point across etc.
I seem to say shit quite a lot. Wanna hear me on the Xbox, it's always "oh fuck.. the idiot got me" or "shiiiit"..
To be fair I always ask those I am in a party with if they mind me swearing before I do. Since I know some may not like it :o

Yeah, i'm actually nice and thoughtful like that. :P

Well, obviously if you're with a teacher or an employer, there's a good chance you aren't going to cuss. :P For the most part I have similar tendencies to you.

It depends what the employer/teacher/whoever and me were discussing. if it was swearing in a joking way and you get on with the teacher/employer, then I would. :P