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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I like it. I will try keep it active. I assume every new movie I find I can make a topic for right?
I don't mean, do loads in a day but when I find a new one, spam it....


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I've not heard of many of those either.
Inception does look great though. I only found out about that a week or so ago.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I have no clue what their number is..
Do they have a centre based in the UK otherwise it'll be expensive for me since I'd be using a mobile phone.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Do you want it specific to a certain skin?
Obviously if you use 1 skin more so than the other's...


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I posted this on the Xbox forums, hoping someone can answer it, but someone here may also know a fix for it or at least why it is happening..


Hi all, I really hope there is someone here that will be able to help me with this problem, it's really really annoying. For the past few days, possibly a week, when I try connect to Xbox Live (be it via the dashboard or in-game) between the times of 4pm and 11pm UK time, it won't connect. Any time before 4pm and after 11pm it lets me on no problem. I assumed this was due to my brother using his laptop, thus it being peak times and it was sharing the speed out to 2 places, meaning it'd be laggy. Which would make sense. However, today my brother isn't here, so his laptop isn't on using the internet/wireless, but I tried to connect and got the same error. When I do a connection test, it says that I am connected to the internet but cannot connect to live, or something along those lines. I'm not even downloading anything or anything like that (never do when on XBL).. So that isn't even the problem. I've restarted my router, took my Xbox Wireless Adapter out, but still nothing. As soon as it hits that 4pm mark, XBL wont connect, then as soon as it hits 11pm it connects. Those times are the times I prefer/can play my Xbox. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Arucard Avatar
some of the movies sofar i would like to see are

iron man 2
clash of the titans
Alice in wonderland
Brooklyn's finest
book of Eli
death at a funeral
edge of darkness

Isn't Death at a Funeral out already? I watched that like a year ago. Unless it's a different one.
I totally forgot about Iron Man 2, omg how stupid am I (rhetorical question bitches, don't answer :P).


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
That's all I noticed :P

Kinda weird and retarded how when you reply to the original post, it adds the 'RE:' stuff, which is usual, but then when you try post it gives that error.. So if you remove the 'RE:' it posts, but then adds another [F], meaning the title is like "[F] [F] Title Here".
Perhaps make it so you only add the [F] to the first post ?

Last Edit: Jan 8, 2010 15:13:00 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Conor Avatar
Why do you do do it? When do you do it? And what's your favorite swear?

1) To express emotion, or to break the silence
2) Whenever I injure myself, or mess up.
3) Fuck or shit.

I just say it dependent on who I am with really.
For example if I am with certain friends, mainly guys, i will and don't mind swearing, but most times it's when I am at home.
If out and about , I rarely swear, because I simply don't need to do so to get a point across etc.
I seem to say shit quite a lot. Wanna hear me on the Xbox, it's always "oh fuck.. the idiot got me" or "shiiiit"..
To be fair I always ask those I am in a party with if they mind me swearing before I do. Since I know some may not like it :o

Yeah, i'm actually nice and thoughtful like that. :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Someone needs to grow up (the kid).
What a moron haha.

I don't really get it though. The game wasn't what he expected, so he threw a hissy fit? That's what I got from the first link. Only watched about 30secs of the second.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
We have no travel bags. We never travel anywhere so we've never needed them before.
When everyone says "bags" do you all mean the type you'd use to go on holiday, or just black carrier-type bags? If the latter, I am a lazy fool who will not want to iron all my clothes :o


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I guess. I just assumed I had to manually do it, so wasn't looking for any drop down. I know it's right there, but I wasn't looking for it since in the sticky it says to add the [F] etc, or at least I am sure it does (or did).
By the way, having the whole "your message is too long. 50 is the max, yours is 52", is kinda weird cos it doesn't show until you click "post", by which time you get a error message off PB. Or I did anyway.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I have never had a problem with Vista.
I prefer it much more to XP and I wont be upgrading to 7 unless someone buys me a copy. I am more than happy with Vista, whether other's like it or hate it.

Ok so I just saw the post by Chris, and 1 and 3 I agree with, they are annoying, however, they aren't that annoying for me. The memory one is, but still, I'm used to it now and don't have money to be wasting on 7.

My paypal is... (lol) :P

Last Edit: Jan 7, 2010 20:55:44 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I didn't see that you had replied.
I edited my post just after you replied haha.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009

In the title, I only did [F] once, but it shows twice in the title. If I go modify the topic, it's only there once. Personally I'm confused.

Lmao, scrap this.. I saw you have a drop down selection for what type of topic it is. Wow, what a moment :P

Last Edit: Jan 7, 2010 20:08:18 GMT by Stinky666


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm pretty sure almost everyone who likes or loves movies already has a huge list of ones they want to see.
So, without posting a HUGE list, what are your top 20?

- Doesn't have to be 20, if you can only think of 1, post 1 :P

For me, for now (in no order at all):
- The Book of Eli
- Legion

You know what, that's all I can think of. I have more but my mind is really blank :-/
I'm sure when other's post theirs, it'll jog my memory. =)

Last Edit: Jan 7, 2010 20:07:34 GMT by Stinky666