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Conor Avatar



July 2007

EDIT: I forgot, you don't take my advice. I'll just leave the rate up there so you know how I feel about this "concept."

Last Edit: Jan 12, 2010 0:01:57 GMT by Conor


JD Avatar


June 2008
I guess it's my turn to try some advice, seeing as we've all tried it. Hell, I'm not proud of my design work, but I like to take crit, like to learn how to improve and what needs changing. I can honestly say, dude, this is something I could do in 5 mins. The colours' don't even work =/

I'm not a designer, but this took me about 12 seconds. I could be wrong, but too me, it's more visually appealing;

You're not taking the advice people give you. This is the same as the rest of your designs. Try combinations of tools etc to create an aesthetically pleasing layout. I want you to get better, but you don't seem to want to.

:: rate 0 ::

Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
I'm not even going to bother giving advice unless you promise me you will listen.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
I'm not saying anything, either, until you have proven to me that you at listened to me and at least tried to do as I instructed.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Xuzi, here's the thing though that you're missing... you can have your own style even with their input and suggestions. That input is to show you new things to try. Unless you try these new things, you don't know how the suggestions comes out. Unless you know how it comes out, you don't know if you'll like the effect and if it's something to add to your repertoire. You mold your style based on trying new things. If you don't try new things, you won't improve and you won't really develop a style that people will recognize.

And if you aren't going to take the advise on your designs that people give, I'd recommend not posting in this board. :)

Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
xmsteel Avatar
Why don't I take advice?

I want my own style. I personally prefer to make stuff, the way I want to, because then it feels like MINE. If I look at tutorials, not only would I not find what I want, but then it wouldn't be mine.

Telling me "how to add an effect to a sig" wont help with a website skin, and really isnt interesting. If anything, I will need tutorials on how to do stuff to the things I'm making. I have no idea what tutorials that would be, only you guys do.

PS - Conor, your right. I have no respect for you, and really don't care that you rate all my things 0. I know you do it mostly just to be a jerk, which youve done well. Sure, it might be helpful, but I'd much rather ignore your suggestions, and use someone elses that actually cares or WANTS me to get better.

Ummm.... Xuzi? That just so happens to be THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOARD. You design, we are the critics. If we know you are not going to even pay attention, and use your own "style", then gtfo of this board, since that is the point of it.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
xmsteel Avatar
Why don't I take advice?

I want my own style. I personally prefer to make stuff, the way I want to, because then it feels like MINE. If I look at tutorials, not only would I not find what I want, but then it wouldn't be mine.

Telling me "how to add an effect to a sig" wont help with a website skin, and really isnt interesting. If anything, I will need tutorials on how to do stuff to the things I'm making. I have no idea what tutorials that would be, only you guys do.

PS - Conor, your right. I have no respect for you, and really don't care that you rate all my things 0. I know you do it mostly just to be a jerk, which youve done well. Sure, it might be helpful, but I'd much rather ignore your suggestions, and use someone elses that actually cares or WANTS me to get better.

I can't even believe how much of a douche bag you are. I explained to you exactly what happened and how I wanted you to succeed. I don't rate your things to be a jerk, I rate your things with zeros and ones, because that's how I feel about them. And for the love of god, why post here if you don't want advice? You even asked for C&C. So if you don't care about my opinions, or you really think I'm rating you poorly because I hate you, fuck off.

Also, just a side note, learn some fucking grammar. You write like "your" five.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
xmsteel Avatar

PS - Conor, your right. I have no respect for you, and really don't care that you rate all my things 0. I know you do it mostly just to be a jerk, which youve done well. Sure, it might be helpful, but I'd much rather ignore your suggestions, and use someone elses that actually cares or WANTS me to get better.

...and has anything I given to you not shown that I WANT you to get better? Seriously, I told you EXACTLY how I got to where I am today. You get better by learning. You learn from teachers, from those who have done the stuff before.

Guess what? Your odds of making anything that looks even remotely good without first copying other styles is next to zero. You can't jump into things and expect to have created your own genre, your own style, your own niche within a few months. I can't name any that did it, to be honest. Perhaps Alyn or Alexiuss, but even they weren't groundbreaking right away. They started off copying others' styles and quietly developing their own.

I'm going to make this entirely simple for you. If you don't want our advice and help, don't post in this board. If you continue to post in this board without listening to a word we say, every thread you make in here will get locked. I'm sick of wasting time on you, as are others apparently. So there is the mandate. Either take our critiques and criticisms to account, or stay out of this board.

Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
xmsteel Avatar
Josh Avatar

...and has anything I given to you not shown that I WANT you to get better? Seriously, I told you EXACTLY how I got to where I am today. You get better by learning. You learn from teachers, from those who have done the stuff before.

Guess what? Your odds of making anything that looks even remotely good without first copying other styles is next to zero. You can't jump into things and expect to have created your own genre, your own style, your own niche within a few months. I can't name any that did it, to be honest. Perhaps Alyn or Alexiuss, but even they weren't groundbreaking right away. They started off copying others' styles and quietly developing their own.

I'm going to make this entirely simple for you. If you don't want our advice and help, don't post in this board. If you continue to post in this board without listening to a word we say, every thread you make in here will get locked. I'm sick of wasting time on you, as are others apparently. So there is the mandate. Either take our critiques and criticisms to account, or stay out of this board.

In no way did I am "PS - CONOR" to you.

Conor, You wonder why I don't like you?

"Also, just a side note, learn some fucking grammar. You write like "your" five."

"I can't even believe how much of a douche bag you are."

That doesn't look like C&C, and neither does ""

Errmmm...... you realize that everything Conor (AND DID YOU READ JOSH'S COMMENT YET? NO? SHOCKER!) has said about you is 100% true.

And he did make a C&C. Sorry it said "terrible" on it. And we all agree, let's not go into any words, because you don't pay attention to them.


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
xmsteel Avatar
Josh Avatar

...and has anything I given to you not shown that I WANT you to get better? Seriously, I told you EXACTLY how I got to where I am today. You get better by learning. You learn from teachers, from those who have done the stuff before.

Guess what? Your odds of making anything that looks even remotely good without first copying other styles is next to zero. You can't jump into things and expect to have created your own genre, your own style, your own niche within a few months. I can't name any that did it, to be honest. Perhaps Alyn or Alexiuss, but even they weren't groundbreaking right away. They started off copying others' styles and quietly developing their own.

I'm going to make this entirely simple for you. If you don't want our advice and help, don't post in this board. If you continue to post in this board without listening to a word we say, every thread you make in here will get locked. I'm sick of wasting time on you, as are others apparently. So there is the mandate. Either take our critiques and criticisms to account, or stay out of this board.

In no way did I am "PS - CONOR" to you.

Would you watch on if someone was raped in front of you?


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
This has gone far enough. Xuzi, either listen to our comments in previous threads (since no one really gave you anything constructive in this one), or I lock. Period.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
I have a quick thought to interject.

I may not be around a lot these days, but XuzI, if you don't shut up and stop being such a tool, you will be banned. Stop posting in this god damn board. Period.
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
