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Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Not epic, but I got a chuckle when I saw that. :P


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Josh Avatar
Andrew McGivery Avatar
Drinking is fine with me. Hell, I drink on occasion. :P

Says the guy who, just last week, was trying to lay claim to the title of "First Person to Ever Get Drunk While Doing the Dishes" :P

As a member of my fraternity, I can establish that title as no longer being valid and having been done on numerous occasions by some brothers of my house. :P

Hotshot: It's your call. Even if you don't like smoking/drinking, can you tolerate them? Could you tolerate making out with someone whose mouth reeks of alcohol? Could you tolerate smelling smoke all the time?

Personally, I can't stand the smell of some in high concentration. I refuse to ride in my mother's car anymore because it reeks of smoke. I won't let her smoke in my car. If she starts smoking, I will stop the car and get out and just start walking away. But that's just me. :P Drinking I have no problem with... it's a great way to let loose and stuff. That's just a personal preference though.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
Yeah I can tolerate it I'm pretty sure of it, shes fine with not smoking around me, and I don't care so much if she drinks around me. Its just the smoking as smoke affects me.

Its crazy what girls make us do eh?


Kim Avatar
Lets get messy

Dedicated Member


June 2009
Haha, alot of SZ members are not a huge fan of drinking at all. :P

I say go for it, if you don't you'll probably regret it later down the line. Life is too short for all this 'pissballing' about with things like this. You never know, until you try. If it gets to a point where you cannot actually bare it, then you can talk to her about it before you do anything rash like call it off. Atleast you know you gave it your best shot, right? Good luck. :)

Last Edit: Apr 3, 2010 19:28:52 GMT by Kim
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Nocando Avatar

Official Member


September 2009
girls who drink (casually) are fine with me

firls who smoke get crossed off the list, its just very unattractive to me and devalues them
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ScottCool Avatar

Senior Member


November 2005
Kim Avatar
Haha, alot of SZ members are not a huge fan of drinking at all. :P

I say go for it, if you don't you'll probably regret it later down the line. Life is too short for all this 'pissballing' about with things like this. You never know, until you try. If it gets to a point where you cannot actually bare it, then you can talk to her about it before you do anything rash like call it off. Atleast you know you gave it your best shot, right? Good luck. :)

You probably consume more alcohol in a week then the rest of SZ does in a year.

Just kidding.

I'm about to be 17 and i've only been drunk like 3-4 times. So I'm not big on heavy drinking, But I like to enjoy a drink every now and again.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
I don't even think it matters guys lol. I forgot to mention shes a hoe too.. Last night she went to some party with some guy at like 1am and got drunk with him. Before shes gone out and smoked with other guys in their cars. Shes a bad girl.. I know it, I just need to stop liking her but its hard. :/


Paradox Avatar
Formerly, Jam-Legalize.

Official Member


June 2008
I actually detest smoking, but you could call me a pretty heavy drinker. In my opinion there is nothing wrong in enjoying a drink with your mates and going to clubs and having a good time.

Smoking however, is completely different. There's no fun in doing it, and you are killing yourself.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Hotshot Avatar
I don't even think it matters guys lol. I forgot to mention shes a hoe too.. Last night she went to some party with some guy at like 1am and got drunk with him. Before shes gone out and smoked with other guys in their cars. Shes a bad girl.. I know it, I just need to stop liking her but its hard. :/

That could be fun. Just sayin'.

But yeah, if she's not your type of girl and you just like her because she's hot and kinda nice, I'd say move on.


Paradox Avatar
Formerly, Jam-Legalize.

Official Member


June 2008
There are always going to be habits that you won't like about your girlfriends, I bet there would be some of yours that they hate too. It's just about wether you can put up with it, and wether they are willing to compromise. (:


ScottCool Avatar

Senior Member


November 2005
Lucifer Avatar
Hotshot Avatar
I don't even think it matters guys lol. I forgot to mention shes a hoe too.. Last night she went to some party with some guy at like 1am and got drunk with him. Before shes gone out and smoked with other guys in their cars. Shes a bad girl.. I know it, I just need to stop liking her but its hard. :/

That could be fun. Just sayin'.

But yeah, if she's not your type of girl and you just like her because she's hot and kinda nice, I'd say move on.

I agree, if you know she's trouble then stay away. You don't wanna go through that. I tried it and how the chick stalks me and is obsessed.


Neversoft Avatar

Dedicated Member


July 2006
I probably wouldnt go out with someone who smokes, but my exgirlfriend drank, and it didnt bother me a whole lot...she just didnt do it around me.
Jesus christ, I've been here 3 years :o (Oh lawd, its 4 now)



Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
ScottCool Avatar
Lucifer Avatar

That could be fun. Just sayin'.

But yeah, if she's not your type of girl and you just like her because she's hot and kinda nice, I'd say move on.

I agree, if you know she's trouble then stay away. You don't wanna go through that. I tried it and how the chick stalks me and is obsessed.

Well, yes she is VERY attractive. Still though like we've hung out a lot in the past two weeks.. At least every other day. Shes grown on me and we've had deep talks etc. We went to this park at night and laid up on the hill together and just talked about relationships and stuff like that for a good hour or more. So things are somewhat serious from my viewpoint.. She just doesn't want a relationship right now because she went through a really horrible one that ended about a month ago. So I'm cool with that. I asked her if she was seeing other guys on the side and she said not really, then I find out she went to some party last night with this guy like I said. I know how people are when they are drunk and I know how she is when is isn't drunk so her going out with guys kinda makes me assume things? I know its bad, but come on we all do it. I dont know I dont know I just dont know. :/


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Dodge Park? :P I used to go there with Brett to throw sticks in front of people as they were roller blading. Yes, we were big Adam Sandler fans. And yes, we were immature 12 year olds. :P

And let's see a picture, then we can make a more educated suggestion. lol


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
lol @ Josh. That entire post. Seriously. :P

Hotshot, just...let it go. I don't mean it like "give up", but just don't worry about it. If you keep focusing on something that's likely not to happen, you'll be disappointed. If you give up, it definitely won't happen and you'll be disappointed. Just go with the flow and see how things turn out. Maybe it will work out, maybe it won't. Maybe in the course of things to come, you'll find someone else. That's how I met my last 2 girlfriends. I had somewhat of a thing for one of their friends, got to know them better, got to know my girlfriend better, and my opinions changed. That might happen to you. So keep being good friends, keep your eye on her, but don't keep chasing her like something is bound to come of it. Just be chill about it. Whatever happens, happens.

Quite honestly, that's the best advice I can give you at this point. You've fallen hard and things don't look good. In my experience, the best thing you can do is hang back and bit and see where things go.
