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Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Image 2: Too bad they had to replace the $60,000 tires 'cause someone thought it'd be funny to run over pumpkins before the show.

Last Edit: Aug 17, 2008 18:03:40 GMT by Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Congrats. Even though I just found out about this contest, I rigged every poll so we'd win. No need to thank me.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Oh man I totally forgot about this. We still doing karma or is that a thing of the past (you knew I would ask)?

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Well yeah but you had to have been on the Internet, somewhere, to get your e-mail, right? Anyway, congrats.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
So, not including any potential daily doubles, if Ron, who's in second, was to get every single available question right, he'd still be $400 short of a tie. I really don't think a Final Jeopardy would change things.

Ok I don't want to waste my time here anymore either, but I don't want all the questions I made to go to waste. I had some I kind of liked. Here they are if you were curious.

The Genesis went by this name in Europe and Japan

This dragon replaced Crash Bandicoot as PlayStation's mascot in the PSX era
It's a-me! (Mario)
The blue bomber

This game company was formed specifically for the development of Super Smash Bros. Brawl

This game, along with the NES, helped save the video game market from the crash in the '80's
The best selling PC game of all time
Game that spawned a wave of WWII shooters after its release

Valve's online download service
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A

So congrats for staying online 24-7 Matt and winning the SZ Video Game Jeopardy Contest.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Thanks. Is there a way to condense that box though? All that text is still pretty much the same size as it would be without spoiler tags.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Neither. I don't eat that stuff.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Miscellaneous -- $1200
Before consoles became readily accessible at home, gamers went to these to get their fix

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
What happened to the SZ awards, too? Completely irrelevant I know but this topic reminded me.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
yeah whatever

that's right

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
So I was trying to make the 100-some-odd rounds of Name the Game to be hidden in a giant spoiler to save a little space, but all it hides is the answer and it leaves the round number. I have to admit it's pretty cool that it's possible to only hide the answer, but is it also possible to hide everything, or maybe have a choice of what you can hide when you use the tags? (Chris if you don't know what I'm talking about try it yourself and you'll see what I mean.)

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Well I don't know if I'm serious 'cause it's not my list. :P I never bothered to finish Zelda II and I've heard scary things about Ikaruga, Ninja Gaiden, and Battletoads. But I do know that GX took a lot of patience.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Well it's not any of them.

Hint: it's an action game that somehow involves Spartans.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
I know, right? I'm thinking of just transferring all the points and saving myself some time.

Companies -- $1200
Developer that would later become Rockstar North after a very popular sequel

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005

For the lazy:

10. Contra
9. Zelda II
8. Castlevania
7. Devil May Cry 3
6. Shinobi
5. Ikaruga
4. F-Zero GX
3. Ninja Gaiden (series)
2. Ghouls & Ghosts (series)
1. Battletoads

I just heard F-Zero GX was on the list so I decided to watch it. Of those I've only played Zelda II and GX, but I think completing story mode on GX took about five years off my life, give or take. I guess Captain Falcon refused to show me his moves when I kept dying over and over again, but I did it somehow though I don't really know how or why.

What games have you played that have been close to or more than impossible?