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Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
So, I was at Best Buy the other day, and I just see the game sitting there on the shelf. I'm a sucker for LoZ games, so I had to get it. So $50 dollars later, I'm now content and have a new great game. :P First one I've bought in well over a year, I think.

Anyways, I'm hooked. It's a change from the typical Zelda games. Horse back sword fights? No magic bar? Extremely long stretches between dungeons? The princess is the one who got the country owned? Ho snap.

Right now I'm just starting the Lakebed Temple (or whatever it's called). Does anyone else have this and/or played it? And how far did you get?

Edit: Forgot to mention, I have it for GameCube, not Wii.

Last Edit: Apr 8, 2007 3:42:41 GMT by Chris

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
I've played it at a friend's house (Wii version). The aiming and stuff was pretty sweet, so I decided to wait 'til I got a Wii to get this. Of course, I still haven't, so I'm thinking of maybe just picking up the GCN version this summer.

It's a change of pace to read posts your like yours, 'cause a lot of people seem to be complaining that TP is too similar to OoT, which is really ironic. Back when WW came out, everyone complained and wanted an OoT2 basically. They got what they wanted, and now people are complaining it's too similar to OoT. I guess people'll always find something to whine about.

How are the fights on horseback? That was one of the awesome things I was looking forward to from all the trailers.

Fury Of The Storm

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The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing!

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August 2005
I own it, best Zelda game ever made...It's the longest game I've ever played, trust me man you will not complete that game without a little help from a strategy guide, your about only 40% through the game, I would suggest getting all Sword Techniques before you beat the boss, guess who? Im gonna let you find out lol

Anyways great game I can't stop playing it, even if I beat it :P I still haven't mastered it...dude wait till you get to The Sky Palace it's insanely a maze which took me about 3 hours to get through sicne you gotta backtrack like a 100 times lol


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Heh. I know who the final boss is, a friend told me. :( And I've already had to use a guide once, against the Goron temple boss. I never would have figured out how to trip him, though apparently just shooting him works... til you run out of arrows. :P I had one left when I beat him.

But yeah, I know I've played longer games then this will be. Tales of Symphonia was well over 80 hours. 100+ on one play through actually.

Horseback fights are awesome. A bit hard, but awesome. Right before the second temple, you have to have the jousting match which was in that trailer. I won't tell you why you have to though, 'cause that's part of the plot. But before the jousting match, you have to ride around knocking that guys armor off while hitting his buddies with flaming arrows off of their horses. Quite fun. The jousting part is a bit difficult though, and takes a bit to get used to. You have to fight another one like him again later, but that isn't nearly as bad... 'cept, it's all bow and arrow. :P

The game is quite different though. I like it, in fact, I love it at some points. Though, sometimes it gets really repetitive gathering the light from all the bugs as a wolf. I finally learned that the uber attack with the spirit you get kills them though. Quite helpful.

Ess Ohh

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Ghost Admin


August 2005
I heard the collecting bugs sequence is the worst part of the game. I also think that's where my friend stopped, 'cause that's where I started playing the first time.

Fury Of The Storm

Fury Of The Storm Avatar
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing!

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August 2005
It's annoying especially for the Water Temple....

I found Ganondorf damn hard...cause every move you pulled off with your sword he would counter it, took me 5 mins to beat him tho lol, but it's pretty awesome, the horseback riding is fun...the best part of the game is your the one who slashes the sword :P


Oracle Avatar

Dedicated Member


September 2006
I want this game so bad. :'(
It looks so awesome from the trailers and all the screenshots.
I might buy it this week for my GameCube. Yay. :P


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Just wanna add, I have it for GC, not the Wii.

I'd recommend buying it if you like the LoZ series. It's fairly fun besides the large differences which take a while to get used to (wolf, bug hunting, horse back archery and sword fights, etc.)

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
I think Nintendo would've suckered me into buying this early if there was a preorder bonus like they got me with Wind Waker.

I also hear the next Zelda's gonna be really different.

That's all I can contribute to this topic at this point in time. =P

Fury Of The Storm

Fury Of The Storm Avatar
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing!

Senior Member


August 2005
already in talks for a new Zelda? wtf...


Quacker! Avatar

Official Member


August 2006
Ocarina of Time is still the best Zelda game ever. This game is great, but it gets a bit odd and boring at times.

Fury Of The Storm

Fury Of The Storm Avatar
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing!

Senior Member


August 2005
No man, until you've played it through the whole thing, you'll say it's better... the things you can do in this is much more fun to do...mastering is like 100 times harder then OoT


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
SO: That's what got me for WW also. :P

Quacker: OoT is really good, no doubt, but TP adds a whole lot of new features and ideas. I mean, you can actually swim in this one....


So, I beat the Water Template, saw Zant, and am now off to see Zelda. I had to leave before I could keep playing though, so I'll let you guys know how that comes out. :P

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2007 15:51:43 GMT by Chris

Fury Of The Storm

Fury Of The Storm Avatar
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph Is For Good Men To Do Nothing!

Senior Member


August 2005
sweet get ready to go to like 4 more temples lol


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
dragonforce2005 said:
sweet get ready to go to like 4 more temples lol

Only 4? :( OoT had 5. Sad. :P Then again, I know there's 4 forms to Ganon(dorf) this time.
