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mukei Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
cddude229 said:
Pikmin? PIKMIN?! That's just disgraceful to Brawl. >.<

I know, wtf. Brawl just got tainted.


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
aznx said:
cddude229 said:
Pikmin? PIKMIN?! That's just disgraceful to Brawl. >.<

I know, wtf. Brawl just got tainted.

I've never played it, but I've heard they are extremely underrated games.

Edit(Damn you Christopher): Some new information from the February edition of Coro Coro. Zelda's Final Smash has been leaked. It's the light arrows from Ocarina of Time (Some people think it might be her down special or right special, but because of the glow around her and the black screen, people assume it is her Final Smash). Her down special is supposedly "Twilight Transformation". It doesn't completely confirm Sheik, but it is close enough for me. :P

Some of Ivysuar and Squirtles moves have been confirmed too.

Source: Brawl Central

Snake's final smash is KICK ASS. I predict Zelda's special moves update tomorrow...or something Captain Olimar related. =D

Last Edit: Jan 11, 2008 2:07:36 GMT by Matt


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Well, if the leak of Zelda is true, it probably will be her tomorrow. Though, Olimar being a recent update throws him up there too.

His file smash reminds me of the dragoon combination.


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
cddude229 said:
Well, if the leak of Zelda is true, it probably will be her tomorrow. Though, Olimar being a recent update throws him up there too.

His file smash reminds me of the dragoon combination.

Speaking of the Dragoon, there was a guy on GameFAQs back on the 30th of October who said his friend told him some stuff about Brawl. He said it was just a rumor, but told some interesting things.

He said Wolf was in(Not necessarily as a character).
He said Lucario was replacing Mewtwo(Vague about the word replacing though. It could mean Lucario is replacing his moveset or something).
He said Ness was in(Not necessarily as a character).

And then...he completely described what would be the Dragoon item.

People are assuming that a lot of his info will be correct. The Dragoon item was described perfectly, and it doesn't even act that way in Kirby's Air Ride(the game it is from).


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I'm aware. :P I played Kirby Air ride. There's no set way to act in a 3D game that could transfer to a 2D. Also, it was the aerial of the two super ships, so it makes sense they'd use it that way.

Well, Olimar doesn't look too useless, but I still think there will be better characters.

Zero Insanity

Zero Insanity Avatar
Show Me Ya Moves!

Senior Member


August 2005
I wonder how Oilmar will fit into the Subspace Emissary.

Last Edit: Jan 14, 2008 3:55:53 GMT by Zero Insanity


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
Well, Brawl is officially delayed until March 9th.


Sasuke Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Haha, looks like we have another GTA 4 on our hands, honestly the demand for this game is going to drop immensely if they delay it again, they should have pushed back the date further the first time they delayed it if they knew they couldn't finish production of it in time.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
kenshin said:
Haha, looks like we have another GTA 4 on our hands, honestly the demand for this game is going to drop immensely if they delay it again, they should have pushed back the date further the first time they delayed it if they knew they couldn't finish production of it in time.

Probably true. =/


So, Sheik. Well, I'm glad they confirmed putting her in. This is why the mistranslation was called "Twilight Transformation," since they explained it was a model drafted during Twilight Princess's creation.

Challenges - this is similar to Kirby Air Ride. o.o You do shit, get some rewards, and occasionally get a "hammer" (different in Air Ride) to break open other challenges. Not to mention you can only see surrounding challenges in Air Ride if you've completed one. :P I see a pattern with the Air Ride overlap.

Oh, and Olimar's final smash looks cool.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
kenshin said:
Haha, looks like we have another GTA 4 on our hands, honestly the demand for this game is going to drop immensely if they delay it again, they should have pushed back the date further the first time they delayed it if they knew they couldn't finish production of it in time.

The game's done, they pretty much delayed it so they could make more copies at launch, which I don't agree with at all.

Zero Insanity

Zero Insanity Avatar
Show Me Ya Moves!

Senior Member


August 2005
Well the game is done, they are just making more Copies for Japan at the moment and then later the US will have Copies next month. Sakurai is just trying to show off all the pwnsome updates now and maybe more after the Japan Launch. I'm guessing that the next Vertran is Captain Falcon.

To Chris: Is SZ going to host a SSBB Tourney?


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
sonicxx said:
Well the game is done, they are just making more Copies for Japan at the moment and then later the US will have Copies next month. Sakurai is just trying to show off all the pwnsome updates now and maybe more after the Japan Launch. I'm guessing that the next Vertran is Captain Falcon.

I disagree. I believe Captain Falcon will be an unlockable character, so he wouldn't be on the Dojo until after the Japanese release date(Or the 24th if that was the last update Sakurai had planned).


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
SSBB Tourney: I don't have a Wii and won't be getting one for a while. :P The members can host a tourney if they wish though.


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
There are some new stands in Japan with demos of Brawl on them. This guy is putting up some good videos.


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006

The Japanese introduction for Brawl was found by someone on 2chan. =D

Marth confirmed!
