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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Saturday me and some friends had like a five hour Melee-fest to give the game a good send off for when Brawl replaces it. Good times, Melee, good times.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Melee? What's that? Oh, yeah, the outdated version. [/elitist from a person who hasn't actually played Brawl yet]


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
shadowyone said:
Saturday me and some friends had like a five hour Melee-fest to give the game a good send off for when Brawl replaces it. Good times, Melee, good times.

Yeah, we did that the last weekend in January. Sunday night we went to the midnight release GameStop tournament and then went home after we got the game. Played for 15 hours straight, and then they had to leave. It was pretty fun. I've beaten SSE and unlocked every character and stage.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
I actually found out something new about Melee on Saturday. In tournament mode they have a "winner out" option for determining matches. Why they even decided to put that in the game is beyond me. But hey, I don't judge people if they make SSB games.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
shadowyone said:
I actually found out something new about Melee on Saturday. In tournament mode they have a "winner out" option for determining matches. Why they even decided to put that in the game is beyond me. But hey, I don't judge people if they make SSB games.

I've found a use for that actually. It gives the people who suck a chance to play more. :P Because when we'd get a big smash group going, we'd kick a three-in-a-row winner out because other people didn't get equal playing time.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Brawl was sweet, but it was tough getting used to the controls. I'm sad that Roy isn't in it, though. =[ Not that I ever played him and the dude that replaced him is way cooler, but still, I liked those swordsmen dudes (though I don't have a clue what game(s) they're from).

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Marth and Ike (and Roy, and probably almost every guy with a sword) are from Fire Emblem.

I've played Brawl a total of three times now for extended periods of time, and the fact of the matter is I need $300. It's a blast to play, but not as fun as you'd think when you're not that good and you're fighting people who play it all the time.

Ganondorf's worse this time around, which is disappointing, but he has potential that I think a lot of people are overlooking.

Also, the Dojo is still being updated, with hilarious results.

Thanks for all of your submissions!

Please understand that snapshots depicting inappropriate content or containing inappropriate comments will not be eligible for selection.

To this point, I’ve received a great number of screenshots that focus on peeking at the undergarments of certain Brawl combatants. So let me just say it again—shots like these will never be posted to the Dojo or sent out to users via the Smash Service.

And yet


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Ah, okay. Yeah, those guys are sweet.

I didn't get to play as Ganondorf the whole one time I played the game, but he was one of my best in Melee, so that sucks to hear that he's been toned down.

Last Edit: Apr 12, 2008 23:25:42 GMT by Lucifer


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Yeah... that's damned hilarious SO. :P

I still haven't played this. :P Woot. I'm still saving money and working on choosing between a 360 (and Halo 3) and a Wii (and Brawl)... it's a tough choice. Oh well. :P I'll figure it out eventually.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Chris Avatar
Yeah... that's damned hilarious SO. :P

I still haven't played this. :P Woot. I'm still saving money and working on choosing between a 360 (and Halo 3) and a Wii (and Brawl)... it's a tough choice. Oh well. :P I'll figure it out eventually.

Both, duh! I mean, seriously, a Wii is like $9 or something. Maybe a bit more, I don't remember. Either way, it's super cheap and the 360 is still cheaper than a PS3, so yeah.


mukei Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Apparently they still have a part of Roy in the game (not the character itself though), shame they didn't put him back.



Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
mukei Avatar
Apparently they still have a part of Roy in the game (not the character itself though), shame they didn't put him back.

Yeah, same with Mewtwo, and Dr. Mario too I believe. There was also data for Toon Zelda, Toon Shiek, and a Plusle and Minun character. People thought they might be downloadable content until Sakurai basically told everybody that DC wasn't going to happen.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Matt Avatar
mukei Avatar
Apparently they still have a part of Roy in the game (not the character itself though), shame they didn't put him back.

Yeah, same with Mewtwo, and Dr. Mario too I believe. There was also data for Toon Zelda, Toon Shiek, and a Plusle and Minun character. People thought they might be downloadable content until Sakurai basically told everybody that DC wasn't going to happen.

I'm still hoping for Mewtwo to be added. <.< Still.


Matt Avatar

needs moar dragonfly


February 2006
Chris Avatar
Matt Avatar

Yeah, same with Mewtwo, and Dr. Mario too I believe. There was also data for Toon Zelda, Toon Shiek, and a Plusle and Minun character. People thought they might be downloadable content until Sakurai basically told everybody that DC wasn't going to happen.

I'm still hoping for Mewtwo to be added. <.< Still.

Me too. I thought he deserved to be in a lot more than Lucario, but they did need a 4th gen rep.

Yeah, and probably there will be no Mewtwo I think.. ;) I would love to have a Wii..
