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Zero Insanity

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Senior Member


August 2005
Since Sonic is 3rd Party, Nintendo would most likely save all the 3rd Parties for last. :P

Last Edit: Aug 23, 2007 3:59:53 GMT by Zero Insanity

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Wait wait wait, Diddy Kong's a character?


I always thought all the small/"jr." characters (Bowser Jr., Diddy Kong, etc.) in the Mario universe were just really...lame.

The whole subspace emissary thing seems like a nice upgrade to adventure mode, though.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
shadowyone said:
Wait wait wait, Diddy Kong's a character?


I always thought all the small/"jr." characters (Bowser Jr., Diddy Kong, etc.) in the Mario universe were just really...lame.

The whole subspace emissary thing seems like a nice upgrade to adventure mode, though.

Just be grateful they didn't add in the other 8 or 9 monkeys.

Zero Insanity

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Senior Member


August 2005
cddude229 said:
shadowyone said:
Wait wait wait, Diddy Kong's a character?


I always thought all the small/"jr." characters (Bowser Jr., Diddy Kong, etc.) in the Mario universe were just really...lame.

The whole subspace emissary thing seems like a nice upgrade to adventure mode, though.

Just be grateful they didn't add in the other 8 or 9 monkeys.

True and besides, Donkey Kong needed a Partner in Melee so they put Diddy Kong in Brawl to make him happy. :P
I didn't know that Yoshi was drinking Red Bull for his Final Smash. :P And it looks like Pit is not the only one with wings. :P Yoshi's Final Smash is really kool. :D
The AC Song sounds really good and I don't even play the game. :P


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I have yet to listen to any of the songs. :P I don't play games for the music.

Yoshi's Final Smash should be interesting. I'm gonna laugh at all the people who fall off the edge though.

Also, boss battles? Like, more than one? O_o Hell yeah.

Zero Insanity

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Senior Member


August 2005
Indeed hell yeah. Now this means that Ridley can be a Boss and not a Playable Character. I hope Andross is a Boss so I can give him the Flipper Kick with Fox. :P


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I'll just flip him off with Fox. :D

And do they only update on weekdays by the way? I've been wondering that.

Zero Insanity

Zero Insanity Avatar
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Senior Member


August 2005
Yea, just on the Weekdays. I will just slice and dice Petey with Link. :P


Ron Avatar

Dedicated Member


May 2006
*drools* This and Mario Galaxy = awesome.


Sasuke Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
I hope they put Cranky Kong in SSB :D

Zero Insanity

Zero Insanity Avatar
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Senior Member


August 2005
kenshin said:
I hope they put Cranky Kong in SSB :D

Maybe as an Assist Trophy and he can have a Banana Bazooka. :D


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
So, Andross will be a fun assist trophy as long as he doesn't hurt you with those panels. <.<


crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Seems like there are characters that aren't on the SSBB website yet.
Didn't know Nintendo could bring a PS2 char into the game o.o


Sasuke Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Yea, they haven't added anything on Snake or the Nintendogs yet, but They put Snake in because Sakurai was basically begged by Konami right before SSBM was about ready to be released, but it was too late at the time, so they decided to put him in Brawl I guess.

lurk moar

lurk moar Avatar

Dedicated Member


July 2006
who cares about gliding

as long as peach can still float, im fine. :P
